Installation issues

I am having a very odd experience installing CachyOS this morning. When I try installing with KDE, the system will hang on a black screen with a white cursor. I cannot change to the terminal when in this state.

When I trying installing with GNOME, I can login but I do not have options to shutdown or reboot. GNOME also shows no applications whatsoever on the app screen. I cannot access the terminal to troubleshoot.

While watching the installation log, I have noticed during installation that there are a few errors where the installer is not able to find files on the repos:

2025-01-15 - 06:58:06 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: “pacstrap: error: failed retrieving file ‘gcc-libs-14.2.1+r134+gab884fffe3fc-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst’ from : The requested URL returned error: 404”
2025-01-15 - 06:58:06 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: “pacstrap: error: failed retrieving file ‘gcc-14.2.1+r134+gab884fffe3fc-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst’ from : The requested URL returned error: 404”
2025-01-15 - 06:58:06 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: “pacstrap: error: failed retrieving file ‘glibc-2.40+r16+gaa533d58ff-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst’ from : The requested URL returned error: 404”
2025-01-15 - 06:58:06 [6]: [PYTHON JOB]: “pacstrap: warning: too many errors from, skipping for the remainder of this transaction”

I am not sure if this is related since the installation is able to finish.

I can chroot into the partition and run the bug report script: 9e1b204

At this point I am way past my expertise and need some help.

This just shows the log of the live environment. There doesn’t seem to be anything strange here.

This is fine, it’s falling back to a different mirror.

Ok, then any ideas why the installation is not working?

To know that, you’d probably have to inspect the installation logs and look for errors that were not network/mirror related.

Those were the only errors we saw in the log

Well, I can say that I performed a flawless install yesterday (after repartitioning the wrong drive by error). Bear in mind, my system has no Nvidia.

Seems I’m not the only one having issues:

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Wonder how I skated by with a reinstall yesterday morning?

Probably installed before it hit cachy’s repos

The package was pushed to stable 12 hours ago.

Ah, and I installed about 30 hours ago…yep. Lucky me :wink:

Tried reinstalling again and now it’s taking a very long time boot

I`m having the very same issue. Any luck reinstalling?

polkit update hasn’t reached repos yet. Please be patient. I will notify here when it’s pushed.

edit: It’s already pushed in Arch and may take a while to reach your local mirrors. It’s coming soon in CachyOS repos.


Oh ok. Thanks @naim

I think the update is on the repos now. Polkit 126-2. That matches what is on Arch’s repos

I was able to reinstall with no further issues