I want to go from windows to linux and started trying cachyos 3 weeks ago.
And have been trying for 2-3 hours a day for 2 weeks to share a folder on cachyos. And i mean share NOT mount an samba folder from windows/unraid that worked right away.
I also tried out a bunch of different DE’s first since i had absolutely no ide’ what i wanted since 10+ years alot has changed.
Then i stuck with KDE/plasma and tried out programs/apps like crazy, some games and at the same time tried getting samba working now and then.
So after about a week i reinstalled and pretty much only tried getting samba working tried everything i could find/install but noting.
So now i reinstalled again and have only updated and installed the game pack and snapper.
And i ask what do i have to do to get samba working?
I would ultimately like to have kdenetwork-filesharing so i can share and stop a folder from dolphin or any of the other for nemo/thunar and so on.
I´m pretty sure i have to start by making a smb.conf or download/use smb.conf.default
file as a start.
But i tried sooooooooooooooooo many different ways of setting that up and none worked at all!
So what the hell should be in it?
Then i have to add a samba user/pass i tried many different ways of doing that, used my cachyos user/used another test user.
Used same as cahcyos pass/tried different pass for samba.
Tried guests/tried writable=yes and no for guests and for the users noting.
Firewall rule?
I did try apparmor the first install round but did open for samba in them, and after that i have only used the ufw FW with samba/cifs rule added.
Tried changing “default incoming policy” from the standard ignore to allow, tried disable ufw.
But noting.
I can simply not connect from any other computer, have tried win11/win10/win7 /unraid machines.
If i boot into windows on this computer i have cachy on, smb works fine to and from all the above machines.
The only glimmer of hope i have is that i have managed to get different error messages from windows/unarid.
So i assume that atleast some times the cachyos samba is seen/connected too.
For now i want to share a test folder in for example /home/grizzly/test
But i could ofcourse use /samba/test or /mnt/test or /mount/test or any of the other 3-4 folders i seen other people use.
Whatever will work is fine
O i also played around with groups but noting again.
I have mostly used ip adress but have tried names instead of ip too.