Samba share connection timeout

I’m trying to setup samba share between Linux and Windows 11 PC.
Dolphin sees Windows 11 PC as a folder.
If I try to connect to Windows 11 PC I get the following error:
Attempting to solve the issue I added min and max protocols to public section of samba.conf file, and so on. NOTHING HELPS! Earlier I setup samba share without any issues on CachyOS. I experience this issue both on CachyOS and Debian Sid Now. Any help?

Allow the samba port in ufw.

Dear naim!
Everything is allowed!
What is interesting, I can see CachyOS file share folder on Windows PC!
The same timeout error if I DISable UFW.

Have you configured the DNS name resolution and added it to /etc/hosts?

I guess, I not.
Can you please tell me how to do it?
My host file is as follows:

Standard host addresses localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

This host address cos

The adventure contunues.
My CachyOS PC name is COS
My Windows PC name is ALEXPC
In Dolphin I do see both names as folders if I click Network icon.
I can open COS folder and see my Public folder on CachyOS.
If I click ALEXPC folder the connection to Windows PC starts but aborts for the reason of TIMEOUT.
Well, if I put the name of Windows PC into the address field like: smb://alexpc - MIRACLE! I see Windows PC and it’s folders.
BUT I WANT NOT MANUAL but automatic connection! And I had it before! And I just repeated the setup procedure which worked earlier on the CachyOS on the same PC. Where is my mistake?

Beta testers cannot ask much, else people will call you entitled brat.

Nothing about this whole scenario is Beta software as far as I can tell.

I deleted my post because my post did not add any value to the point being raised by the OP. Sorry for my rant.

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I guess I found the reason and solution!
It was the most unstable piece of the code of all times called Windows.
Somehow it stopped network discovery function. I have no idea how it happened. It just told me that I should switch it on. It was switched on long ago and worked. Everything works now.

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