I started having issues with booting after 6.13 kernel update a few weeks ago. It was hanging for like 30 seconds before loading GDM.
I don’t have the full log anymore, because it didn’t happen for more than a week.
But I saw this error message Host Aborted Command (sct 0x3 / sc 0x71)
and some I/O error, dev nvme
first I thought I have a failing nvme drive in a few months old laptop. But I wasn’t 100% sure.
Looking up the host aborted message in google I got to this thread https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=288461 I saw it was more than a year old and it also looked liked from the bugtracker, that it was fixed.
But I was desperate, I have already tried a lot of things, so I added rtsx_pci rtsx_pci_sdmmc to the blacklist and I didn’t have issues with booting ever since. These are some sd card reader drivers, I have no idea why were these producing nvme error messages. I don’t have any nvme errors since.