Hello, please forgive me if I am in the wrong area. I am a noooooooob. A suffering nooooooooob from windows world. I downloaded and installed KDE CachyOS with Plasma desktop and I am trying to install “discover” to assist me with downloading my wifi adapter. Right now I’m using my phone tether. My wifi adapter is an asus PCE-AC56. When I try to download discover I get - “Could not read file appstream://org.kde.discover.desktop.” because I need discover to install discover (Discover - KDE Applications)… Any advice that would assist me in installing is appreciated, thank you.
Have you tried this way?
❯ sudo pacman -S discover
extra/qt6-webview 6.8.2-1 0,40 MiB 0,08 MiB
extra/discover 6.3.2-1 6,63 MiB 1,39 MiB
Gesamtgröße des Downloads: 1,47 MiB
Gesamtgröße der installierten Pakete: 7,03 MiB
If Discover, then to see if there are any design components that need to be updated, otherwise they will be missed. Anything more is not recommended.
You should install and update the traditional way:
❯ sudo pacman -Syu
The link is old, but might contain useful tips.
Thank you very much for the time you took to assist me.
I literally installed CachyOS yesterday and I have a big learning curve.
pacman did not discover the adapter.
I might have to buy a newer wifi adapter that’s friendlier to linux. Then do some courses or watch tutorials. There is so much to learn and I need to adjust my brain from the windows way of thinking.
Yes, unfortunately. This Asus adapter is MS supported, so it has no other added value.
To get started with the OS and everything else, use the CachOS Wiki Post Install | CachyOS which is also linked at the top right.
Have fun exploring
I had similar issues with an AC68.
There was an old thread about your model they ran:
sudo pamac rtl88xxau-aircrack-dkms-git
to fix it and I’m guessing that’s the driver for it. Searched for it and found a few older threads that confirmed this is the driver, so give it a shot.