I cannot seem to find it in Rofi, I swear I’ve sought around the forums and wiki but I cannot find it. I wish to get started on editing i3 but first I want to use a GUI file manager.
PCManFM Thunar Caja Nautilus Nemo, doublecmd, and Rox.
Pick your poision.
And Rofi is there as well:
paru rofi-file-browser
1 aur/rofi-file-browser-extended-git 1.3.1.r5.g44e5f0a-1 [+4 ~0.01] [Out-of-date: 2024-10-11]
Use rofi to quickly open files
2 aur/rofi-file-browser-extended-patched 5.0.r2.258f02e-1 [+0 ~0.00]
Use rofi to quickly open files.
Avoid the first option>>>OUT OF DATE.
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