Hello - long-time Manjaro user - new to CachyOS. I saw no “template” to use, and I’m not quite sure how to use “sudo cachyos-bugreport.sh”. I don’t think this is really a bug, so here goes:
When I used Cachy Hello this morning and clicked on the button labeled “System update” under the “Apps/Tweaks”, I saw that it wanted to download 6.13.
I love the ability to keep my kernel stable (or lts), and the offer of 6.13 was not what I wanted; so my question is: is there a proper method for upgrading in such a way that kernels that I don’t want are not offered to me as an “upgrade”?
In Manjaro, I stuck closely to pacman, because it was considered the “preferred” method for upgrading - is Pacman preferred here, as well?
Here is the link to the bug report - it seems to be a combo of “inxi” and journalctl - I don’t think it’s relevant, but I’ll execute this first if I have another question/issue/bug.
Hey @Bradford_J_Hamilton!
I’m sorry but I don’t understand the question… 
Your goal would be to automatically refuse kernel upgrades?
Thanks - I only want kernel upgrades for the two kernels that I have currently installed (cachyos-v4/linux-cachyos/lts (6.12) and core/linux-lts (6.6)).
I only want to use longterm kernels (as defined by kernel.org), and so 6.13 is a non-starter for me; as an aside - I’d love to use a 6.1 longterm kernel as well, since kernel.org deems it longterm until 2027, but when I went to install cachyos/linux-cachyos-cacule (6.1), it wouldn’t boot.
I hope I have explained myself well.
Kernels that you don’t have installed can’t be upgraded, I’m sure of that.
Open the console and type: sudo pacman -Syu
alias update
. Rest assured, uninstalled packages will not be updated!
Are you confusing pamac with pacman?
Thanks - no, I would prefer to use Pacman, and I have used it extensively in Manjaro.
In Manjaro, I would use sudo pacman -Syu to update my system - I’m not sure why you have added “alias update” - is this necessary in CachyOS?
Actually, in Manjaro I could update mirrors and the system, identify and remove orphans, and clean the cache (except for the last three installed versions of any package) all using Pacman and pacman-related commands.
It looks like in CachyOS, I need to use a combination of buttons in CachyOS Hello and the Pacman CLI to accomplish (almost) the same behavior. Is this the preferred way, or the way that most folks here do it? Please note - I’m not complaining, I just want to know the best, most efficient way to accomplish updates.
I’ve played around with Endeavour as well, and the update workflow there seems similar to CachyOS.
I just want to take a moment here to acknowledge the great job the maintainers have done to create and maintain an efficient, fast, rolling-release distro - kudos!
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That’s exactly what happened when I pressed the “Update system” button in CachyOS Hello - I did not have kernel 6.13 installed in any form before I pressed the button, but that’s what was offered! Luckily I had the presence of mind to “refuse” the “upgrade”, but that behavior was not expected.
Reasonable attitude.
Do the same here.
Instead of entering sudo pacman -Syu
, a simple update
will do.
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The system update in “CachyOS Hello” executes the same command that you enter in the console, namely sudo pacman -Syu
or in short: update
This behavior is inexplicable to me.
Thanks - “update” works in fish(!) - unfortunately (?) I like and use bash.
I don’t really like using fish, so I’ll stick with sudo pacman -Syu in bash, which does the same thing. I may warm up to fish over time, but I find the interface somewhat distracting.
…unless of course, there are aliases in fish that will allow me to do “everything” - update mirrors and system, identify and remove orphans, and allow me to keep three versions of packages in my cache?
Then use pacman for base OS upgrades, use yay/paru for AUR upgrades, and flatpak/snap for those (if you run those).
You don’t need to use update (which is just a pacman alias anyway).
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Yes, I would like to know that too.
type “alias” in fish to see the aliases -
alias update ‘sudo pacman -Syu’
alias cleanup ‘sudo pacman -Rns (pacman -Qtdq)’ (I like this one!)
alias mirror ‘sudo cachyos-rate-mirrors’
…so I can now use mirror, update, and cleanup to approximate the Manjaro CLI commands to update and cleanup. The only thing left to figure out is how to tell the system to keep the three most recent packages in the package cache (“paccache -rvk3” in Manjaro). It might be lurking somewhere in pacman.conf…
Installed pacman-contrib, and now I can “sudo paccache -rvk3” to my heart’s content - I’ll figure out how to create an alias later…
: - )
Bottom line - in fish - mirror, update, cleanup, sudo paccache -rvk3, and I’m done - no need to press buttons! <note to self - figure out how to add an alias in fish for the last command>
: - )
@Bradford_J_Hamilton To answer you how to create an alias, it’s pretty much the same for bash, fish, zsh and probably others. You type the following:
alias alias_name=“command_to_run”
Yes, thanks! I was able to figure it out for fish, and it all works quite well!