Very annoying issue

how do i fix when the game crashes the launcher that launched the game also crashes

any game launcher, cpu: i3 1115G4 (yes my pc is low end, my gpu is intergrated so no need) any game

This is still very general. Are you using Steam or Lutris?

I have had some hard times with Lutris myself for old games but (almost) everything on Steam runs fine as long as you make sure to set up things in the Compatibility tab in settings:

im using steam

Can you provide information on what game you are trying to run?

I would and think I could help you but you are not very forthcoming with information related to your issue.

I would ask you to post the information inxi -G gives you in the Terminal or Konsole and to provide screenshots (Winkey+Shift+S if you use KDE) - You can just copy and paste them in the Thread.

You should provide more info. Which launcher? Which game? Hardware, bugreport, …

When I research with the information you provided, I come across the following pages: game crashes the launcher that launched the game also crashes arch linux - Google Suche crashes+the+launcher+that+launched+the+game+also+crashes+arch+linux&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiSGdhbWUgY3Jhc2hlcyB0aGUgbGF1bmNoZXIgdGhhdCBsYXVuY2hlZCB0aGUgZ2FtZSBhbHNvIGNyYXNoZXMgYXJjaCBsaW51eEgAUABYAHAAeACQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgCgAgCYAwCSBwCgBwA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp

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sorry i was sleeping

Solved it was because of kde

KDE causes problems, but solves them eventually :laughing: