Uksmd failed to start

hi there,

uksmd failed to start, my be the package need to be rebuild

tom@donar ~ # sudo systemctl stop uksmd.service
tom@donar ~ # sudo systemctl start uksmd.service
Job for uksmd.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status uksmd.service" and "journalctl -xeu uksmd.service" for details.
1 tom@donar ~ # systemctl status uksmd.service
× uksmd.service - Userspace KSM helper daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/uksmd.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
     Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Mon 2024-12-23 11:07:54 CET; 18s ago
 Invocation: 3191362fb5844a81ba53d0934510493f
TriggeredBy: × uksmd.path
    Process: 1930 ExecStart=/usr/bin/uksmd (code=exited, status=127)
   Main PID: 1930 (code=exited, status=127)

Dez 23 11:07:54 donar systemd[1]: Failed to start Userspace KSM helper daemon.
Dez 23 11:07:54 donar systemd[1]: uksmd.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Dez 23 11:07:54 donar systemd[1]: uksmd.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Dez 23 11:07:54 donar systemd[1]: uksmd.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Dez 23 11:07:54 donar systemd[1]: Failed to start Userspace KSM helper daemon.
3 tom@donar ~ # journalctl -U uksm
Failed to parse timestamp: uksm
tom@donar ~ # uname -r
tom@donar ~ # pacman -Q uksmd-git 
uksmd-git 1:1.2.10.r0.gee57e0a-1

edit: rebuild solves the issue