To conky or not to conky?

I have been using a special conky for a long time.
It’s AstroNerd conky. It shows Solar activity in numbers and graphs, 5 nearest asteroids, and Moon phases.
Bar graphs work as they should in EndeavourOS KDE, but not work at all on CachyOS KDE, LTS and default kernels.
More over. I cannot install neither conky-cairo nor conky-manager2 (version 2.7) because of dependencies problems.
Does this mean CachyOS is not conky-friendly and it is not advisable to use conky at all?
Is it possible to make lua work on CachyOS?

See screenshot

 paru -Qi conky-manager2
Installed From  : None
Name            : conky-manager2-git
Version         : 2.7-3
Description     : Fork of GUI for managing Conky widgets. Support added for latest conky config version - git
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : conky-manager2
Depends On      : cairo  conky  desktop-file-utils  gtk3  imagemagick  json-glib  libgee  p7zip  rsync
Optional Deps   : None
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 1290.26 KiB
Packager        : Unknown Packager
Build Date      : Tue 07 May 2024 12:37:20 PM MDT
Install Date    : Tue 24 Sep 2024 08:08:25 AM MDT
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : None

paru -Qi conky-lua
Installed From  : None
Name            : conky-lua-nv
Version         : 1.21.6-1
Description     : Lightweight system monitor for X with lua and nvidia enabled
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL  BSD
Groups          : None
Provides        : conky  conky-lua
Depends On      : glibc  glib2  cairo  lua  wireless_tools  libxdamage  libxinerama  libxft  imlib2  libxml2  ncurses
          libxnvctrl  systemd-libs  libpulse
          curl  fontconfig  gcc-libs  libx11  libxdamage  pango  wayland
Optional Deps   : nvidia: for NV11 and newer GPUs, [installed]
                  nvidia-470xx-dkms: for NVE0 (Maxwell) GPUs,
                  nvidia-390xx-dkms: for NVC0 and GF1XX (Fermi) GPUs
                  nvidia-340xx-dkms: for NV40 and G70 (Curie) GPUs
Required By     : conky-manager2-git
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : conky
Replaces        : torsmo  conky
Installed Size  : 1810.11 KiB
Packager        : Unknown Packager
Build Date      : Mon 02 Sep 2024 04:06:00 PM MDT
Install Date    : Tue 24 Sep 2024 08:08:23 AM MDT
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package
Install Script  : Yes
Validated By    : None

I’m on KDE-Un-stable but that should not matter.

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Thank you!
I tried both files.
paru -Qi conky-lua-nv
and conky-manager2
“package not found” in both cases.
But packages are present in AUR

you have to install them first :wink:
that’s no problem here
both packages are to install smoothly
DE = gnome, plasma

paru -Qi doesn’t see conky packages in AUR.
paru conly-lua-nv cannot install neither conky nor conky-manager2 on KDE.
I have no problems with installation on Endeavour OS, cannot install on CachyOS.

A long list of conflicts and no way to install.

I had that issue a few months back, afair it was [Bug]: Bars not displayed under wayland · Issue #1504 · brndnmtthws/conky · GitHub

These are not conflicts, but dependencies? Also is there any real reason to use conky-cairo (or any other AUR version)? If there isn’t stick with the official version.

no idea what’s going wrong at yours :thinking:
no problems during install


paru conky-lua-nv

and got

 paru -Qi conky-lua-nv
Installed From           : Nichts
Name                     : conky-lua-nv
Version                  : 1.21.6-1
Beschreibung             : Lightweight system monitor for X with lua and nvidia enabled
Architektur              : x86_64
URL                      :
Lizenzen                 : GPL  BSD
Gruppen                  : Nichts
Stellt bereit            : conky  conky-lua
Hängt ab von             : glibc  glib2  cairo  lua  wireless_tools  libxdamage  libxinerama  libxft  imlib2
                           libxml2  ncurses  libxnvctrl  systemd-libs
                   libpulse  curl  fontconfig
                           gcc-libs  libx11  libxdamage  pango  wayland
Optionale Abhängigkeiten : nvidia: for NV11 and newer GPUs,
                           nvidia-470xx-dkms: for NVE0 (Maxwell) GPUs,
                           nvidia-390xx-dkms: for NVC0 and GF1XX (Fermi) GPUs
                           nvidia-340xx-dkms: for NV40 and G70 (Curie) GPUs
Benötigt von             : Nichts
Optional für             : Nichts
In Konflikt mit          : conky
Ersetzt                  : torsmo  conky
Installationsgröße       : 1806,03 KiB
Packer                   : Unknown Packager
Erstellt am              : Fr 27 Sep 2024 10:41:23 CEST
Installiert am           : Fr 27 Sep 2024 10:42:30 CEST
Installationsgrund       : Ausdrücklich installiert
Installations-Skript     : Ja
Verifiziert durch        : Nichts

Those are dependencies, so everything that it needs to install and make it work.

Can’t see any error why it wouldn’t install, unless there is a problem with some of the packages (Aur packages can do that sometimes if they are not maintained etc)

If I install conky-cairo or conky-lua-nv
I got a list of dependencies and an offer:
To continue review of not?
If I answer N - paru stops installing
If I answer Y or just press ENTER, paru shows the long text and no installation.
So, where is my mistake?
I managed to install conky-manager2-git. Given the same offer to continue review or now, I just pressed ENTER and installation proceeded smoothly. But not with conkies. And yes, I removed conky-manager2-git before installing conky-lua-nv or conky-cairo

In that review part you need to press Q and then it asks something like “do you want to continue y/n”

This is normal with Paru if you install packages from the AUR.

Paru can also install packages from arch repositories where it wont ask to review the pkgbuilds as those are “trusted” packages, not like AUR where its free-reign

Go figure!
I just used yay or pacman, or pamac so far.
paru is new for me.

For paru: read, q, install :smiley:

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I installed conky-lua-nv, and now everything works.

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So glad things worked out for you, If I had known you was not familiar with “paru” I would have been a bit more detailed, but our community jumped in to save the day. :ok_hand:

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Thank you. Everything works now. But I had to modify my crontab job in CachyOS. Everything works so fast that AstroNert conky failed to start at reboot. I had to add delay of 45 seconds. Never experienced this issue on any other distro. )
Just to inform. The Sun is calm, no activity, the closest asteroid of 10 meters in diameter flies behind the Moon. No worry. :smile:

I contacted the developer of conky on GitHub,

and he told me it was really a bug.
What is necessary to do is to add the following line to a lua file just under
require ‘cairo’ at the beginning of the file.
require ‘cairo_xlib’
One shall be careful. Some lua files are line (or row) sensitive.
So add the above line in so a way just to keep the whole number of lines in the file intact. I added a line to Astro conky, and got no result. Many lines in the lua file got red (crying out loud of error). I almost got mad, before I understood that I just shifted the whole text one line down. So the solution was to delete some empty line. And a miracle happened immediately! Everything started to work. :grinning:

Very Kind of you to share that>>>Kudos

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We are here to help each other. :grinning: