Thank you for all the work and effort

Hey there…

I keep trying to use Desktop linux and always have some issue or another, lag, battery issue, etc… always looking for tiling and key bindings… someone at work was like “check out this thing called ratpoison”… forever changed how I saw how computers should work… lol

Put Cachy on an older i5 laptop a few weeks ago… and the battery is great, and (of course) it still works…

Started with KDE, then i3, and finally think I’m going to stick it out with Gnome… (pop-shell ftw)

Have my own personal issues with (the lack of) rc.local (Arch has rc-local to build…) /etc/kernel/cmdline doesn’t seem to get used… DE keybindings seem to be different or non-standard/empty…

Thinking about Cachy on a machine at home for tailscale, dns, and such…

Thank you for the crazy cpu schedulers… thank you for the bbr3, and all the patch sets…

Lots of effort and work goes into all that…

Wanted you to know it was noticed and greatly appreciated.

(been compiling and patching for work and business FreeBSD since before 4.x, OpenBSD before 3.x, and we first bought a copy of RedHat 4.2 of course with lilo and incorrect password attempts would show up in the logs; heh )

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Thanks for your nice words!

Have my own personal issues with (the lack of) rc.local (Arch has rc-local to build…) /etc/kernel/cmdline doesn’t seem to get used… DE keybindings seem to be different or non-standard/empty…

Check the wiki related to /etc/kernel/cmdline, depending on your bootloader you need to use either the grub config, or /etc/sdboot-manage.conf

Lots of effort and work goes into all that…

We are putting a lot of love in this project too. It feels like my little baby :smiley:

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Hey there sorry for the lag; didn’t expect a response…

(mostly) gave up on rc-local.service and just went to cronie and @reboot

+1 sdboot-manage.conf and sdboot-manage gen works… (ty)

(can I ask about key bindings in gnome? )

It seems like there are ‘none’ and resetting to default does not bring back ‘all gnome keybindings’…

Cosmic seems to have all it’s defaults… (cosmic quite nice btw)

Also if I pick (at install time) say Cosmic and qtile, or Gnome and qtile…

trying to log into and start qtile appears to go no where… and you are in a limbo prior to being dropped into X/Wayland… (not sure if that makes sense, but install some DE and qtile or i3, the choose qtile or i3, you’ll need to reboot to get back to somewhere else… )

thank you again for the response; greatly appreciated.


you should not install multiple desktop enviroments at the netinstall. If you do so, you need to untick the displaymanager used by the second enviroment, since otherwise it wont be able to start it.

It seems like there are ‘none’ and resetting to default does not bring back ‘all gnome keybindings’…

Im not really a gnome enjoyer, but since we dont ship any configuration for gnome, this should be asked/reported to the gnome devs. Gnome comes fully as default.

trying to log into and start qtile appears to go no where… and you are in a limbo prior to being dropped into X/Wayland… (not sure if that makes sense, but install some DE and qtile or i3, the choose qtile or i3, you’ll need to reboot to get back to somewhere else… )

@aarrayy Could you take a watch?