System Freezes After KDE Plasma 6.3 Update

Try with -5 or -6.

I just tried -5 with color profile None. It took longer, but did lock up. Do you want me to try another version?

Yeah, with the other versions up to 8 please.

Iā€™ve also pushed -9 in case all the other versions also lock up.

Versions 5-8 all lockup with Color profile set to None. FYI, I havenā€™t had the version from the extra repo lockup yet. When I switch back to it I can test it some more.

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Ah, just saw this. Gimme a minute and Iā€™ll test -9.

No luck with -9.

Yeah, itā€™s an upstream Kwin bug I guess. -9 is identical to Archā€™s package except it was built with v3 and -O3. Let me know if you can reproduce the lockup with Archā€™s package. Thanks.

If you canā€™t, Iā€™ll do a build without compiler optimizations and see.

I donā€™t know if it helps, but I get the feeling that it happens when:

  1. You have a window at the top of the screen
  2. Click on the title bar and immediately try to drag up

At least thatā€™s what Iā€™ve noticed a few times during testing. It may not be definitive.

Hey @naim

I havenā€™t been able to reproduce the lockup with Archā€™s package. Iā€™ll keep trying, but maybe itā€™s a compiler optimization bug. Let me know when youā€™ve got a build without compiler optimizations that youā€™re ready for me to test.

Sure thing, Iā€™m building a kernel right now but I can build Kwin later. Thanks.

-10 is up, please try :smile:

-10 locks up. BTW, the -3 kwin package from the extra repo still hasnā€™t locked up.

What about -11 from Nginx Directory

@naim A quick question before I try -11.

I just upgraded my system except for kwin. I now notice that the extra repo no longer has -3 but -5 in it. So I assume after testing -11, I wonā€™t be able to go back to -3 if the new -5 hangs?

-5 from extra shouldnā€™t hang.

-11 hung a couple of times, but it felt like it took more fidgeting with windows to get it to hang. Of course, it may have just been random.

After testing -11, I installed 6.3.0-5 from extra/kwin. Itā€™s hanging now. Interestingly, Octopi is showing that both extra/kwin and cachyos-v3/kwin are installed. Can I safely uninstall the -v3/kwin from Octopi?

I donā€™t think thatā€™s true. Itā€™s just parsing the version, which is the same for both. pacman -Qi kwin will show u which one is installed.

-12 is up, please try, thanks!