In your konsole profie, set command to ‘/usr/bin/fish’
(guess) This probably means your useradd command didn’t use the proper switches to copy the configuration from the skel model.
As a user with little experience of Linux, I create a new user from Settings->Users. There is no flags to choose to copy. That is how this error occurs.
I understand from your reply @Danny_Barron that you assume that I create the user from within a terminal?
Well, I almost never create a user and if I do, it’s from the terminal, so that would affect how I answer. And, I’ve been bitten by this before, doing a simple ‘useradd’ without specifying create home dir and populate the default files from /etc/skel/.
So yes, that’s what I assumed ;0
It’s interesting to see the different answers that accomplish your request (in different ways)