Screen flickering in full screen games with Adaptive sync on Automatic

Hello guys, I have been playing quite a lot of games recently and they all ran perfect, even better when i used scx_rusty scheduler (literally boosted my fps by ~50-60).
I have one issue tho, I have updated my system 2 days ago and installed the latest version of mesa and the kernel available from the repo (not the git versions) using pacman -Syu.
I have noticed something odd- when i play a full screen game, let’s say CS 2, i have noticed in the main menu it was flickering. I have set the main menu FPS to 60 and that’s how i found out about this thing.

When i turn off Adaptive Sync in the KDE Display Settings the issue is no more, but when i play older games like CS 1.6 (it has fps cap at 100), it gives me 100 FPS but it feels like i play on 60hz. So i enabled the Adaptive sync on Automatic mode and it gave me very smooth and pleasant gameplay. BUT when the Adaptive Sync is set to Auto and i play any other game or fullscreen app that has less than my monitor refresh rate (165hz) it starts to flicker.

I have tried the LTS kernel 6.12.10 and the ZEN kernel which i think is also 6.12.10, cannot recall if this was an issue with the previous mesa version.

I have tried this ( ) fix but this didn’t help at all, actually made my fps in CS2 worse oddly enough.

So i’m wondering if anyone experienced similar issues and any tips on how to deal with it? I have no issues leaving the Adaptive sync to OFF and just turn it ON when i play CS 1.6, but i don’t think this flickering is normal behavior since in Windows 10 i have no problems with flickering using AMD Radeon Adaptive sync on.

The GPU i have is AMD RX 6600 XT 8GB.

One more question: I’ve tried all the schedulers available in scx_loader and i wondered if scx_lavd & scx_bpfland @ Performance mode, aren’t they supposed to perform better than scx_rusty & scx_flash? On my system rusty and flash gave me better fps.

And i have one more question, I’ve tried to join the Discord server last night to ask about my issue but when i joined and waited the 10 minute window for posting I was kicked/banned (not sure about this) and when i tried to join the server via the link from CachyOS site it gave me a “whoops something went wrong” text not allowing me to join. Tried on a freshly created new account and it still didn’t allow me to join.

Any help and tips appreciated.

When i use 120hz there is no issue, but if i ramp it up to 144hz or 165hz it starts flickering… Anyone has idea why does that happen? Thx in advance

It’s just amdgpu kernel issues. There are multiple threads open that are related to this. You can see them here.