Request to get higher trust level

Hello this is my short application for possible get higher trust level for dealing bots, spam and forums clean. We know there is moderators already and not jumping too high just want to give my help…

I have been years for forums and mostly trust level 3-4 on multiple discussion forums and I have been moderator for years ago.


One vote from me on my end for @phatle .

That would be great. As there seems to be more people/members in the forum.

Those bots/scammers/spammers are annoying as hell.

you can just mark the messages as spam and they vanish when few others do the same.


True that in an ideal world, but not many do it.

Edit: rephrased.

Well , beside one mod ( @ptr1337 ) I don t know who the other ones are ( I must be blind or too dumb) & when they are on the forum. It might be a good thing to have another one as well. @phatle offers his help, why wouldn t it be a good thing !

I don t see why it s so bad for someone to offer to help a forum whaever it is.

If you guys see it that way, then delete my account, can t understand some points here.


I will look into the configuration of discourse. I need to check, if the User Level 4 is able to delete and review such posts.

Besides that, really great idea!

1 Like

Yeah, im the only one, which is quite often active here actually.


Trust Level 4 – Leader
Leaders are regulars who have been around forever and seen everything. They set a positive example for the community through their actions and their posts. If you need advice, these are the folks you turn to first, and they’ve earned the highest level of community trust, such that they are almost moderators within the community already.

Get to trust level 4 by…

Manual promotion by staff only
(Possibly via a to-be-developed election system in the future)
Users at trust level 4 can…

Edit all posts
Pin/unpin topic
Close topics
Archive topics
Make topics unlisted
Split and merge topics
Reset topic bump date
Daily like, edit, and flag limits increased by 3×
Any TL4 flag cast on any post immediately takes effect and hides the target post
Can send personal messages to an email address

So unlisting the posts are similar to multiple flags it goes hidden and then mods delete/ban spams example without editing permissions

Yep, to @Sunda-Spirit s Pole , Taught of it being a Mod, but for @phatle to be an admin could be the same on my end in here.

Edit: Rephrased.

If you report every message of a spam wave yourself manually you can take out entire posts yourself with a low trust level, I’ve done it on brand new 2 minute old ones.