PSA for Flatpak Users: Flatpaks are broken on Kernel 6.13+ due to a kernel bug

NOTE: This has been edited to reflect the people primarily affected by Kernel 6.13’s bugs: Flatpak users. I thought this was much wider than it was, and the first two replies reflect the post I made when I thought its issues were more widespread than they actually are.

Preliminary testing done by Arch users has indicated a wide bevy of issues with Linux 6.13+ concerning Flatpak users.

If you are having Flatpak issues of any kind and are on kernel version 6.13+, install the LTS kernel through the CachyOS Kernel Manager and reboot. You will automatically boot into the LTS kernel. If this resolves any issues you are having with Flatpaks please reply to this post.

Shout outs to Brodie Robertson for the heads up.

More like MayOrMayNotBeTellingTheTruth cause without proof no one is believing you. I have Arch, ReBorn, and Garuda and no issues whatsoever on 6.13. Post proof.


Why is it broken?

Flatpak has problems, but not more. This neither can be reproduced on every machine.
Broodie just trying to be loud :slight_smile:

Generally, most people on Cachy do not use Flatpaks anyways for most applications.


I do use a Flatpak (Calibre), but that’s mostly force of habit from when I was a Tumbleweed user, since a) the version of calibre in Tumbleweed is out of date and b) I didn’t trust the recommended calibre installation method. The Flatpak is reasonably up to date and won’t break if it’s not updated for a couple of weeks.

That being said, Flatpak-packaged browsers are fairly common for the security conscious, and some people might be using Flatpak Steam. I’ll update the title of the thread to more accurately represent who is affected.

But this is real:

EDIT: This might also affect XDG file pickers, which would be much worse for CachyOS users, since browsers tend to use XDG file pickers.

huh, i haven’t any problems with flatpak, but i have problems with drag’n’drop freezes on latest two cachy kernels, which do not present on LTS kernel. When i looked up the logs, it was something about btrfs, can you check your logs? my bet is something went wrong with btrfs code lately, or more likely with cachy’s build of.