Pamac-aur - Can't refresh databases after update

It seems pamac-aur is broken after the update to 11.7.2-4. I thought it was odd that there were no updates this morning so I tried to run “Refresh databases” and received the following error:

“remove_authorization: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not activate remote peer ‘org.manjaro.pamac.daemon’: startup job failed”

I did all the normal stuff like uninstalling pamac-aur, libpamac-aur, and yay and then reinstalling and rebooting but the problem persists.

I also tried “sudo systemctl restart org.manjaro.pamac.daemon” but got the following error:

“Failed to restart org.manjaro.pamac.daemon.service: Unit org.manjaro.pamac.daemon.service not found.”

I was able to update my system with pacman and yay, but that didn’t help either.


I discovered that “pamac-daemon.service” is not starting with the error “/usr/bin/pamac-daemon: CPU ISA level is lower than required”. So it seems like the installed packages have been compiled for x86_64_v4 instead of x86_64_v3. And yes, pacman.conf contains the line “Architecture = x86_64 x86_64_v3”, and I’m not having any other problems with CachyOS installing packages with the wrong ISA level.


I downloaded and installed pamac-aur 11.7.2-3 and libpamac-aur 11.7.0-2 from the AUR and they work without error, so the CachyOS problem indeed appears to be a packaging error.

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Yes, moral of the story is that pamac bad, stop using it.

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I hear this from time to time but I’ve never found anything else that’s as easy to use or works as well. The UI of Octopi is an ungodly mess, and I was never able to get it to work with AUR packages anyway.

In fact the only time I’ve had problems with pamac-aur is when it or libpamac-aur have been compiled incorrectly or are out of sync.

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Note: I have never used it, well I might have on Manjaro, but I don’t remember. However, all I ever see is woe stories about it, corrupting installs, broken, etc.
So it’s true, this is an uninformed opinion.

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Hi I have almost the same error and i am a total newb , mine is :

“get_authorization: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not activate remote peer ‘org.manjaro.pamac.daemon’: startup job failed”

I dont know how to install pacman-aur11.7.2-3 and libpamac-aur 11.7.0-2 from the AUR, so i dont know if that fixes the issue for me.

are there any other steps i should do if im running on ivy bridge ( i assume that is v3 )

Is there a fix? workaround ? or another gui that i can use … Its easier to use for me than the cachyOs package installer since im a total newb.

are there any other pretty gui package managers that I could use?

thank you very much in advance… If this question is too dumb could you point me in the right direction so i can learn pretty please?

Don’t worry, no question is “too dumb”. Linux can be difficult to use for those new to it, so the more questions you ask the quicker you will learn. So here’s the answer. You’ll have to use a terminal to do this, but after that you’ll have a working pamac.

First of all make sure the default package manger “octopi” is not installed. Some people indeed like it, but many (including myself) find the user interface incredibly cluttered and difficult to use. Uninstall it like this:

sudo pacman -R octopi

Now uninstall the current pamac with:

sudo pacman -R pamac-aur libpamac-aur

Now you need to use the AUR helper yay with the “-a” option, so if you don’t have it installed first to this:

sudo pacman -S yay

After that execute the following 2 commands (without sudo). Each one will ask you to select a number to confirm the package, and in each instance select 1. It will ask a few more questions after that but just hit enter to answer:

yay -a libpamac-aur
yay -a pamac-aur

Then you can get the pamac icon in your system tray by either rebooting or typing “run” in the Whisker Menu search bar, selecting “Run program …”, and then entering “pamac-tray”.

By the way, normally you can enter more than one program with the yay command but for some reason with the “-a” option it confuses pamac-aur and libpamac-aur and just selects libpamac-aur, that’s why we’re executing two yay commands.

After pamac is installed you need make sure it ignores the normal upgrades for it so open pamac and click on the three vertical dots on the right and then “Preferences.” Then go to the bottom of the “Advanced” tab and click the “+” under “Ignored upgrades”. The search function doesn’t work so just scroll down and click on “libpamac-aur” and “pamac-aur”, then click the “Choose” button and you’re done.

If you have any difficulties or other questions just post again and I’ll answer as soon as I can.

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Mitch your rock!!! for being so friendly and also to the point.

I did not know yay was a command ( Silly me thought you guys were just celebrating) . Now I looked at the -h and helped me further understand what you prescribed.

You also help me realized that pacman and pamac where 2 different things, and their respective roles.

Should I compile my Kernel with the ivy bridge -running on an i3210m old laptop, thats venezuela for you- optimizations ( just asking because you mentioned there was something v3 related, and packaging errors, forgive me beforehand )

Also while looking for friendly GUI s I came across discover , but after installing system tray refers to that for installing software and I don’t know how to install without that compatibility, it said i should remove qt6 and i did using the cachyOSpackage installer - which i believe is octapi , right?-. But the same behavior persisted.

Anyways it was a super nice surprise to come back from work and have your answer waiting for me, i had a very sucky day before that. I’m eager to learn more and people like you are paramount in generating this kind of reaction to linux, and hopefully contribute to someday having more native apps versions of things like photoshop etc.

Thanks again.

Thank you for your kind words @Spheroidling, I’m happy to help.

First of all, discover is not a complete package manager, and you should never uninstall qt6 as it’s critical for some new applications. And there’s no problem with V3 architectures, pamac is just a unique situation, so there’s no need to compile the kernel. But first let’s make sure your system is up to date by executing:

sudo pacman -Syu

Now let’s uninstall discover and reinstall qt6 by executing the following commands and rebooting once more:

sudo pacman -R discover

sudo pacman -S qt6-5compat qt6-base qt6-declarative qt6-multimedia qt6-multimedia-ffmpeg qt6-shadertools qt6-svg qt6-tools qt6-translations

Now install pamac as I instructed before, and don’t forget to do the ignore procedure I included.

Hopefully you’ll now have a basic fully functioning CachyOS system.

As for replacing photoshop, for decades I’ve used programs named Gimp and Inkscape that replace it. I also use LibreOffice to replace all the Microsoft Word programs. You can either use pamac to install them, or execute the following command:

sudo pacman -S gimp inkscape libreoffice-fresh

Let me know if you have any other issues.

Mitch! thanks for the info, those commands are really handy.

I did what you advised just after posting but via package manager. I did check for the other qt6 packages you mentioned just in case and everything was OK.

Thanks for clarifying the kernel situation to me. I’m going to try compiling the ivy bridge optimization because i noticed i don’t have them on the default kernel ( using cachyos kernel manager) and see if i notice any performance improvement , I really like the Btrfs assistant on this thing.

I have used windows all my life and didn’t realize what i was missing, the level of customization and overall clearer and more coherent design philosophy foss gives you is amazing.

everything is working correctly , I even fixed some warnings on missing modules for some really odd and old hardware on this hp pavilion dm4 3170se beats edition im using right now, so you can be proud of me hahahaha.


That’s awesome @Spheroidling. I would recommend OpenZFS as it’s much faster and mature than btrfs, and integrated into CachyOS, but you’re up and running and happy and that’s what counts most.

Photoshop CS2 runs with wine. However, you need an Adobe account and the corresponding serial number. But that’s not enough, because once you’ve finished the work, you have to repeat the whole procedure the next time you start it.
I’d rather use GIMP.

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Thanks @Mitch I will check OpenZfs i like faster and more mature :slight_smile:
thanks @Sunda-Spirit i think if it ever gets to a must i guess ill use a virtual box or mess around with wine.

Sorry to bother so much but i spent all night trying to solve my audio and still no avail . I have an hp dm4 3170se that has beats audio on it ( more speakers) .

I realize only the front 2 were operational and its driving me insane not being able to fix it.

I found out digging around the web that i could use something called HDA-jack-retask. But i can only find ubuntu commands. I also tried finding the pertinent file but when i got there , there was nothing on it so i assumed i was in the wrong place.

I also tried trying to find alsa-tools-gui but failed.

here is the more concise link i could find on it :

I got confused and decided not to try alsa related packages (using pamac) as not to break anything further.

here is what i have under audio on the info center in case it helps, thanks for any asistance you might provide, even if its just pointing me in the right direction.

I was going to paste here what I i have under audio on the info center but forums says its too many characters. I also just noticed the this topic has been solved notification so please let me know if should move this somewhere else, i don’t want to bother anyone.

Unfortunately I don’t have any experience in that area @Spheroidling. However since this is a new issue, and not a bug, you should ask the community by posting the question under “Topics.” Make the title short but explanatory, something like “Need help with hp dm4 3170se setup.”

This will get you the help you need faster, and also once a bug is solved we’re not supposed to continue discussing other issues on the same thread. And since we’ve found a workaround for the pamac problem this bug is considered solved, even though ultimately the devs need to fix the CachyOS pamac packages.

But don’t worry, there are a lot of knowledgeable people in the CachyOS community and I’m sure someone will have the answer :slight_smile:

Mitch! thanks for pointing me in the right direction and your overall attitude and help.

I really like the fact this was my first interaction with the community and Linux in general.

Thanks for proving people wrong. Humans do rock.

I will do as you advice regarding the audio issue


I’ve been using Arch for the past 10 years (up until today when I switched to Cachy) and most of that time I’ve used pamac with it. In that time, I’ve had exactly two issues with it - one is that sometimes it needed rebuilding. The second was a one off when the Manjaro devs messed up and pamac was hammering the Arch repos.

For someone who has cognitive impairment and visual issues like me, Octopi is a visual headache and pamac offers about the right balance of usefulness and simple UI. I have nothing personally against Octopi, it’s just not a good fit for me. pamac is not a good fit for other people. But it’s a perfectly serviceable app and I’m grateful to the Manjaro team for it.

Thanks for these instructions and your post @Mitch!! :pray: I was starting to feel frustrated with being unable to get pamac working. I can confirm I also have this exact bug and your solution also worked for me (although I had to reboot as I was getting a weird error about architecture conflict before rebooting, post reboot all is well). :slight_smile:

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Welcome to CachyOS @Thorned_Rose !

I’ve been using it for a year or so now and it’s been amazing. Not only for it’s optimizations, but seamless integration with OpenZFS and stability.

But the pamac package has been an ongoing problem, and I’m uncertain as to why.

In fact today pamac suddenly began using afrikaans when demanding passwords for refreshing the database. It’s the one from the AUR, and wasn’t doing it yesterday, so I’m stumped for now.

But I’m sure the devs will work it out so we can go back to the CachyOS version soon.

Oops, I invoked Murphy saying I never have problems :sweat_smile: It seems to be working as normal for me apart from the authentication box being in Afrikaans.

It’s been reported here:

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A patch for the Afrikaans language problem has been created, and can be found at libpamac/data/polkit/ at 0461a0289662f89e316558565f10cb7a4ac9a0ee · manjaro/libpamac · GitHub

I tested it and pamac is now working perfectly, and I’ve notified the maintainers of the AUR package and hopefully they will integrate it into their package soon.

As for the CachyOS packages, if the devs aren’t going to fix them I hope they will remove pamac-aur and libpamac-aur from the CachyOS repositories. They’ve been broken since January 12th and right now users have to use the AUR and then add them to the pacman ignore list, which means users aren’t notified of changes to the AUR packages.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the devs are busy and appreciate their hard work. And while it would be more secure to have official CachyOS packages, if that’s not possible it’s better to simply remove them from CachyOS.

The AUR libpamac-aur package has been updated, I’ve tested it, and all is well now. See my post from January 17th on how to override the CachyOS pamac packages and install the AUR packages instead.

The AUR is not associated with CachyOS so “the devs” are not here.
It is associated with Arch (“Arch Use Repository”) but “the devs” are also not there.
Everything from AUR is maintained by individuals, unassociated with Arch, CachyOS, etc.

As Pamac is foreign to Arch, as it comes from Manjaro, the user maintaining the pamac package in AUR is maintaining a package not meant for Arch. If that individual is fed up enough because of constant breaks, because it’s not compatible with Arch, the package will go and neither Arch nor CachyOS will probably do something about it. If they wanted, it wouldn’t be in AUR in the first place. Pamac is for Manjaro.