Hello everyone, pacman 7 has been released.
Do I have to do anything now?
Or can I perform a system update as normal?
For now add it to a ignore list til it’s one dependency is finally updated so you can do the rest of your updates without getting an error.
It should be fine on CachyOS already. Paru is patched also. You might want to do the change to pacman.conf to use the new sandboxing feature
From the discord update:
Hey @everyone ,
Pacman 7 has been pushed by archlinux and this might requires some manual intervention.
There has been a sandbox feature added to pacman, which requires some changes in the /etc/pacman.conf.
If you want to use the sandboxing feature, then you need to add following under the ParallelDownloads = 10 entry:
DownloadUser = alpm
Besides that there should be nothing more required. News from archlinux side can be found here:
We have already pushed fixes for paru, yay, aura and cachyos-package installer. There will be might some other packages/managers, which require updating, but this will solve automatically with the upcoming time.
Since people asking, what the Sandbox feature does.
it does download the files and package updates with an isolated user, which enhances the security of pacman itself. (edited)
Incorrect the one dependency is still not updated. Just tested for the update.
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing pacman (7.0.0.r3.g7736133-1) breaks dependency 'libalpm.so=14' required by libpamac-aur
:: installing pacman (7.0.0.r3.g7736133-1) breaks dependency 'pacman<6.2' required by libpamac-aur
-> error installing repo packages
System update failed:
0: Command failed: `/usr/bin/yay --pacman pacman -Syu`
1: `/usr/bin/yay` failed: exit status: 1
Retry? (y)es/(N)o/(s)hell/(q)uit
libalpm.so=14 needs to be updated to libalpm.so=15
Well thats pamac which shouldn’t even be used.
Yay, aura and paru are already fixed.
The thread is about Pacman not the AUR helpers. As I stated the one file update is not released yet.
As i said pamac is Manjaro stuff, it is not even installed by default on CachyOS and shouldn’t even be used anyway.
So unless you have installed that by yourself, you are totally good to go.
And as your error shows, the upgrade breaks the pamac dependency and Manjaro needs to update its own pamac package.
thats for pamac. pamac is not from arch.
That should be already fixed, or?
pacseek: error while loading shared libraries: libalpm.so.14: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory so we still need version 15 to be updated yet.
That’s also not from any Arch repos.
Edit: nor Cachy’s
It still has to do directly with the pacman update
The issue is that you are suggesting to add pacman package to the ignore list, which is not the right way to do things, just because some external (like manjaros pamac) is not updated to support the new version.
As said the tools CachyOS uses are already updated/patched to work with the new pacman version.
Normally I would agree not to add something to the ignore list, but in this case it does not break anything and one can do their updates til it’s updated. AS for adding pamac no I did not. The only items I added were yay, picaur, and pacseek.
Pacseek is updated.
Just checked and all three versions are the old versions.
EDIT: had to launch Bauh to grab the latest. Thanks
Pacseek is updated and working.
EDIT: I use the pre-installed paru
I said I got the lastest version and as for Paru and Pacseek one is command only and the other is a TUI.