OpenGL Renderer

So I’m fairly new to this OS. I’ve dabbled on and off for years in linux, never got to far due to game incompatibilities. I have lutris installed and everything seems to be working as it should. Been playing Witcher 3 and when i close the game the openGL renderer window doesnt close and when i try to launch the game i have to go through a repair to get it to launch. This is the error I get when lanching the game after its been closed. Can anyone help me clear these issues up?

the renderer needs a while, waite a moment its close itself

How long? It’s Sat there for about 10 mins before I just restarted the PC

oh that its to long sorry kill it with a taskmanager like btop after that i think you can start the game

Yeah not gonna lie, I have no idea how to do that

go in terminal sudo pacman -S btop after install typ btop in terminal and navigate with the courser keys to the prozess and than hit k für kill

whats it called in the processes? I cant seem to find it in there

the name of game executable

Yeah i dont see the executable in there for the game

in btop over the prozess list you see filter hit it and search for the right renderer

I found it. Wasnt the game that was holing up the openGL renderer, it was the EA Launcher. Thanks for your help

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