Octopi - is there any difference between "Check Updates" and "System Upgrade"

Hello! Started using Cachy from roughly the fall of last year and had a quick question about Octopi and what the right way is to keep Cachy and other OS related packages properly updated.

A week or two ago I noticed that the “System Upgrade” option was clickable. I’m not completely certain but I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen it clickable until then, much less notice it was there.

Generally what I do is

  • click on “Check Updates”
  • A new drop-down menu item pops up at the bottom of the window indicating there are things to install.
  • There’s an install option in the menu, I start the install.

The wiki is a little bit confusing on the topic, it sounds like I’ve been doing things correctly but I’m not certain. For reference

In the main window, click on the Check updates button (Top left), now next to it System upgrade.

(from here)

I guess my question is simply, is there a difference between the two options? Do they both basically do the same thing? I’m assuming it doesn’t matter which user flow is used but figured it’d be good to get some clarity on the topic.

Apologies if this should be asked in the Octopi repo, figured I’d start things here.

Thank you!

The first option check for updates and the second to install them

Right, I understand the semantic difference, the question is do they both basically do the same operations?

To try and clarify, when I click on “Check Updates", Octopi checks for updates, then if anything is found, an new dropdown menu item pops up at the bottom of the window with an install option in the menu.” I then go hit install, get prompted for sudo, etc.

Will the updates being checked on include any Cachy related files/packages or is that only done when I select “System Upgrade”?

(will update post with clarification)

I mean its the same

Thank you, appreciate the clarification.