Nvidia 5000 Series Driver

I have never done this before on Linux so I thought I would ask.

I plan on most likely getting a 5080, probably day one. I have a RTX 2080 right now so would I just need to get the latest driver that supports the 5000 series and swap them out and it will detect the card and work?

If you have installed cachyos with your nvidia gpu, you shouldn’t need to install anything: just swap the new card in and it should work out of the box.

(If you install cachyos with an nvidia gpu, it installs the linux-cachyos-nvidia kernel, which always includes the latest nvidia driver, and is automatically updated with it). (As well, if you haven’t installed the system with an nvidia gpu, then you can just install the linux-cachyos-nvidia kernel to get the same result).

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Yea I installed it with my RTX 2080 so I guess I am ok. Good to know thanks!

Hey :slight_smile:

This should work OOB, depending when the driver releases. We are planing to create a ISO release, as soon the new supported driver will land in our repostiory.

Feel free to ping me, when it arrived at you. I have talked with the nvidia developers, and they confirmed that a day 1 linux driver will be avialable

PS: I also plan to buy a 5080 FE. Hopefully I get one :slight_smile:

Thanks! I have a Microcenter in my area so I hope I can pick one up there. It will be quite an upgrade for me going from a 2080 to a 5080.