New install dual boot 2 disks

My third install. I really like COS!
Having trouble with getting Windows to start.
During install I used grub and it could not detect Windows so I insalled refind but I still can not boot Windows! Secure boot and fast boot is disabled but even if I choose to boot from the disk with Windows in bios I still not able to boot Windows.
I hope itś possible to save both my installations, but how?


Which partition option did you choose? Sounds like you might have blowed you Windows boot partition


to detect windows with grub you need to enable osproper:

After that regenerate your config with:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Thanks for answer!
Advice was absolutely sound and I followed through but can not boot Windows. I can mount and open Windows disk from Linux. Itś all there. I even tried system recovery in bios but even then I ended up in refind-grub-cachyos.

Can I install refind to Windows from COS?


Well, I came to the conclusion that I had to reinstall Windows and now thats done. Now I can boot both systems (at least through bios).
Do I dare reinstall refind now?


Hi again. I did update grub and now I get thrown right in to Windows. I can still boot COS via bios and now I am a bit afraid to do more. I guess this solution will have to do.

I have used grub and refind a lot in the past but never together with Windows. (macos, Never liked Windows and MS as a company.)


Do you have access to two different drives? This would be really the best way to manage linux and windows together.

Yes! I have 3 drives in and 2019 HP OMEN laptop. 1 Windows 2 Linux 3 Stuff.
It’s working fine now but I have to go through bios every reboot. I hope that’s not going to affect the laptop in the longer run?


Depending on your bootloader you used, you can simply put windows into your linux bootloader :slight_smile:
Let me know, which bootloader youve selected.

I am using using bios to choose the loader. And for COS I am using grub.
