I have installed CachyOS with Gnome for the first time on a new laptop. I want to connect two monitors with a docking station.
The monitors are displayed at the gnome screen dialog as well as in the console system listing but the monitors stay black.
Thanks for any advice.
.+=========================. ---------------------
:++===++==================- :++- OS: CachyOS x86_64
:*++====+++++=============- .==: Host: HP Pavilion Laptop 16-ag0xxx
-*+++=====+***++==========: Kernel: Linux 6.13.0-3-cachyos
=*++++========------------: Uptime: 12 mins
=*+++++=====- ... Packages: 1031 (pacman)
.++++++=-===: .=+++=: Shell: fish 3.7.1
:++++=====-==: -+ Display (LGD0796): 1920x1200 @ 60 Hz in 16" [Built-in]
:++========-=. .=++. Display (27M1N3200ZA): 1920x1080 @ 60 Hz in 27" [External]
.+==========-. . Display (HP 27f): 1920x1080 @ 60 Hz in 27" [External]
:+++++++====- .–==-. DE: GNOME 47.3
:++==========. :+++++++: WM: Mutter (Wayland)
.-===========. =**++ WM Theme: Adwaita
.-===========: .++: Theme: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
-=======++++:::::::::::::::::::::::::-: .—: Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3/4]
:======++++====+++***********=. Font: Cantarell (11pt) [GTK2/3/4]
:=====+++==========++++++++++++++- Cursor: Adwaita (24px)
.====++==============++++++++++- Terminal: GNOME Console 47.1
.===+==================+++++++: Terminal Font: Source Code Pro (10pt)
.-=======================+++: CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 8540U w/ Radeon 740M Graphics (12) @ 4.98 GHz
… GPU: AMD Phoenix4 [Integrated]
Memory: 3.00 GiB / 14.89 GiB (20%)
Swap: 0 B / 14.89 GiB (0%)
Disk (/): 6.65 GiB / 474.94 GiB (1%) - btrfs
Local IP (wlan0):
Battery (PABAS0241231): 100% [AC Connected]
Locale: de_DE.UTF-8