Linux-cachyos-rc 6.12.rc1-1

Why is in aur new rc but in cachymirror not?
Whats the difference between pop-launcher-git-1.2.1.r65 and pop-launcher-git-1.2.1.r66 from chaotic-aur?

The build for the cachy mirrors isn’t done yet, so it picks up the AUR version at the moment.

Both are development versions (git) and the chaotic-version is build from a somewhat newer source code snapshot (66) than the other (65).

It should be already available now. We had some problems to build first, due ZFS but this has been solved.

@ptr1337 I can test linux-cachyos 6.12-rc# if needed, but I guess it would be better to go for a higher -rc, like 6 or 7, just before it reaches .0.

I got a fix working for the NVIDIA Modules as well as ZFS.
I will push soon a new update for these.