Lenovo Sleep and Mouse

I have found a fix for my issues. You need to do two things. Maybe the first point is not necessary, but I did it anyway.

  1. Update the uefi firmware, to make sure everything is close to stable as possible. You can do this from windows if you have it installed, if not you will need the following things:
  • Google lenovo drivers go to the Lenovo site and enter your serial number from the bottom of the laptop, then download the UEFI/BIOS update .exe
  • Download Download | Hiren's BootCD PE you will download an .iso file
  • Install Ventoy from the AUR and use it to make a Ventoy usb.
  • Copy the .exe and the .iso to the created Ventoy partition on the usb.
  • Don’t forget to run the sync command and wait for it to stop before you unplug the USB to make sure it’s safe to remove.
  • Now you can boot from that USB, it will load a Windows PE where you can run that .exe from the Ventoy partition. It will reboot your system. Don’t forget to plug in your laptop before you start the update.
  1. Follow the instructions from this post [Solved] Keyboard and mouse not working after resuming from suspend. / Laptop Issues / Arch Linux Forums

Now I can suspend and wake up the device with a working keyboard. You need to wait a second until the keyboard resets.