Hey guys,
is there any plan that CachyOS will offer an installation with the choice of Labwc? Preferably with sfwbar and PCmanFM-GTK3, so we could have a pure Wayland equivalent to LXDE.
Hey guys,
is there any plan that CachyOS will offer an installation with the choice of Labwc? Preferably with sfwbar and PCmanFM-GTK3, so we could have a pure Wayland equivalent to LXDE.
It was recently adopted in the Arch Linux repositories. This should be possible. Please file the feature request here so it can be tracked properly.
for now you can try choosing Cachyos No-Desktop from the distro installer, and install it manually from Arch Linux repos.
That’s what I do, too. Because you’d choose your taskbar, notification daemon, etc. anyway