KDE Plasma 6.2 loading times

Hello everyone.
Since the last update to Plasma 6.2, the desktop takes longer to load. Is this also the case for you? Before the loading bar appeared and 2 - 3 seconds later the desktop was ‘there’. Now it takes 10 - 15 seconds. It’s not a big problem, I just noticed it.

There was a patch. Update your system, it should show a plasma-workspace update which fixes it.

Thank you very much

There was an issue in KDE plasma 6.2.1 that would keep the plasma splash screen - if you configured plasma to show a splash screen - up for a while after the user login.

That bug was fixed and released in There’s the possibility you’re affected by something else. Best to start a new thread describing the symptoms/posting logs/system specs and people can look into it.