Installing nvidia-utils (550.78-2) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=550.76' required by nvidia

Hi all,

I am a new to Cachy and new to Linux, when I try to use the System update button, I receive the following errors:

:: Synchronizing package databases...
 cachyos-v3 is up to date
 cachyos-core-v3 is up to date
 cachyos-extra-v3 is up to date
 cachyos is up to date
 core is up to date
 extra is up to date
 multilib is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing nvidia-utils (550.78-2) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=550.76' required by nvidia
 -> error installing repo packages

Obviously I have an Nvidia GPU (10 series).

I tried to uninstall the dependent package, but that is needed by steam which is needed by steam runtime, which is then needed by something else, most likely because I used the “Install Gaming packages” option.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

trying to upgrade nvidia-utils, gives me the following:

pacman -S nvidia-utils 
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing nvidia-utils (550.78-2) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=550.76' required by lib32-nvidia-utils
:: installing nvidia-utils (550.78-2) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=550.76' required by linux-cachyos-bore-nvidia
:: installing nvidia-utils (550.78-2) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=550.76' required by linux-cachyos-nvidia
:: installing nvidia-utils (550.78-2) breaks dependency 'nvidia-utils=550.76' required by nvidia

I am sure someone else can give you better advice, but if it were me, I would remove the linux-cachyos and linux-cachyos-bore kernels (e.g. sudo pacman -Rcns linux-cachyos linux-cachyos-headers linux-cachyos-nvidia linux-cachyos-zfs and do same for bore kernel) and also the nvidia and lib32-nvidia-utils packages.

Then I would reinstall the kernels (just reverse the sudo pacman -Rcns command with sudo pacman -S).

For what it’s worth, I have a NVIDIA RTX 3090 and I don’t have either nvidia or lib32-nvidia-utils installed and my system runs perfectly. If you really need them you could reinstall after reinstalling the kernels. But perhaps you should wait for someone smarter than I am to respond! I also don’t have the gaming packages option installed, so maybe that complicates your situation.

Which mirror are you using?
It appears that one user mirror is currently not correctly synced, which results into this issue…

I will remove it from the mirrorlist.

At you it appears the problem is that the “nvidia” package comes from the “linux” kernel.
I will also push a package there, until archlinux does update their nvidia driver.

Could you show me the used mirrorlist?

Hi, thank you for the quick replies, I tried whelanh’s solution first, when I tried to remove the packages I got the same dependency issues.
I had no idea how to get the information for ptr1337’s request so I googled.
I checked the config file in the etc/pacman.d folder, but that seemed to have every mirror in it, so I googled further to check exactly what mirrors I am downloading from. I found an article that had a debug parameter for pacman:
pacman -Syu --debug
I ran this, of course it scrolled really fast past the mirrors (I assume it was around the top) but now everything upgraded without issues. I don’t know if somehow trying to remove those kernels somehow removed some packages.

ptr1337 for the future, how do I check what mirrors I am using? I assume you don’t want the full list in the pacman config file, right?

Could it be that the particular mirror I was using just didn’t have the upgraded packages and that caused the issues? Basically I just had to wait for the packages to be updated everywhere?

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You can check which mirror is used in /etc/pacman.d/cachyos-mirrorlist .

I have removed the problematic mirror and you can now run sudo cachyos-rate-mirros and then it should work fine and correctly.
All other mirrors appear to be on a correct state.

The non-propritary drivers are nowhere near as good as the proppritarey drivers.