Install of 240714 failed

CachyOS 240714
AMD 5600G (Zen3)
16GB memory
50GB partition
dual-boot with Win11

Booted into the “live” version off USB, and tested a few things. Ran well.

Used the Calameres installer and at partitioning chose ‘Replace partition with CachyOS’. It defaulted to a btrfs file system. Install was looking good, but right near the end of the process it said “Install failed” and gave me the option of uploading the install log:

The errors near the end are:
“ERROR: Early uncompressed CPIO image generation FAILED: ‘sort’ reported an error”

Can someone help decipher what might have gone wrong. I really want to install and try CachyOS.


cat: write error: No space left on device

Boot Parition too small.
Would suggest doing manual paritioning, depending on the bootloader you need different sizes/mount points.

Thanks man. It’s a pain to resize that 100MB Windows-created EFI/boot partition, but I’m going to keep at it. I want to get Cachy installed and check out the screaming performance and the latest Linux DEs.

I chose Cachy for my first dual-boot setup (Win11) in years because of your hardcore focus on performance kernels and schedulers. It’s also nice you offer so many desktop options during installation.


I would suggest you to do manual paritoning.
In case of systemd-boot example:
Mountpoint: /boot, Size: 2GB, Flag: Boot, filesystem fat32

Mountpoint: / , Size: Rest of your parittion, filesystem: xfs, ext4, btrfs