I have 6 drives, and when I tried to install to /dev/sda

I write software and when I come to do testing, I set aside a physical drive for each distro that I target.
My main partition is /dev/neme0, on which there is a Linux distribution.
I took the current ISO and began an installation to /dev/sda
The target /dev/sda was the target and as per setup choice, and advised to use the entire drive.
When it came to confirming the changes, the setup program pointed to the /dev/nvme0 device.

To me, this is a bug.
I provided an entire drive, advised the installer to use it, and it should not try to put a boot partition or use another’s boot partition other than to create that partition on the target.

I set aside the installation for now.

You should use manual partitioning, i think calamares by default looks for already existing efi partitions for example and uses those.

Thank you for your reply.

I will do as you suggest. I will set aside
a 600meg /boot/efi.
1 gig for /boot and about
40gig for / and /home.

As a matter of interest. My latest installs do not have a /boot/efi
There is a 2meg biosboot, followed by /boot, and the /,/home.