I recently switched from Windoofs to Linux / Cachy.
Much to my surprise i discovered that in Linux / Cachy too are lots of leftovers after deinstalling Apps, for instance in config folder.
Is there perhaps an app to clean up this leftovers (i’m aware of Bleachbit, but imho it doesn’t deal with these leftovers - or does it?)?
How should i go about this?
Any routine recommended?
Config files retain after uninstalling if they are not part of the initial package. That includes user config files or additional .d files, etc, so anything that is not recoverable is saved.
If you want to track changes in you .config / .local / etc, you could use git and version control these.
I have pruned a lot of these pesky leftovers. I also had lots in .lib. Can’t recall exactly which apps did this. From what i remember it mostly where audio an multimedia apps which i tried out after switching to Linux / cachy. Still i don’t get the logic why i’d like / want to keep my configs or libs, i f i don’t want to keep the corresponding app …