How do I fix wake from sleep?

If you are looking for hibernate, it will be very unstable on linux

my problem isn’t hibernate but its the pc going to sleep and not waking up.

Can you reach a rescue shell using the keys ctrl + alt + F3? If so, log in with your username and password and confirm both.
Then you can enter: reboot or poweroff, to protect your device.
As for your actual problem, you could look on the internet under arch linux.
Example: How do I fix wake from sleep arch linux, to see if the issue is known and perhaps follow the suggested solutions. You can do it!

I tried, im switch back ubuntu. I dont have to worry about my system not waking up if I leave my desk. Nice OS but Im not going to spend days now on trying to fix the suspended/ hibernation feature that not a problem on Ubuntuu and Fedora. Nobara had the same issue as well but. Basic Ubuntu and Fedora just works. Thanks anyway. I might come if arch ever fix this

have you added the resume=/dev/XYZ parameter to your boot loader configuration? if not it will never work :wink:

I didnt get a chance to. I switched back I do have a other drive i could put cachyos on. I still don’t know where put resume= at. Arch documentations just suck and not clear.

what is the bootloader? grub? systemd-boot?
as example my systemd-boot configuration:

	title    cachyos
	linux    /vmlinuz-linux-cachyos-eevdf-lto
	initrd   /initramfs-linux-cachyos-eevdf-lto.img
	options  root=/dev/nvme0n1p1 loglevel=3 nmi_watchdog=0 scsi_mod.scan=async rw audit=0 quiet resume=/dev/nvme0n1p3 fsck.mode=force 

how to proceed with grub

I gave up on Linux sleep/hibernate. My ThinkPad doesn’t support suspend to RAM, and it turns off and boots so fast, that it doesn’t matter anyway if I don’t have hibernate :man_shrugging:

how do I find that? or how do I pull it up? the link did nothing for me to pull any of this up. Arch wiki is super vague on everything

pacman -Q grub or ls /boot/loader/entries and the arch wiki isn’t super vague, it is one of the best wikis out there :wink:

Screenshot From 2024-12-14 08-52-01
Screenshot From 2024-12-14 08-51-28

i used refind. I have multiple drives so it make sense to go with that

so I have to use grub to fix the suspend thing?

my gear is getting old but thank you

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i cant find any of these refind.config files.

if not present, create the needed config files, and how to do is in the wiki article explained :slight_smile:

you don’t need refind because it is also possible to use efibootmgr as stand alone

efibootmgr -c -d /dev/sda -p 1 -l \vmlinuz-linux -L “Arch Linux” -u “initrd=/initramfs-linux.img root=/dev/sdXY rw resume=/dev/XYZ”

that didn’t work. I’m just over it. but thanks anyway

have you adopted the command for your specific needs? if not, it will never work^^

it isn’t solved, so please don’t mark it as solved, because when anyone find this thread he or she will think it is solved and waste time

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I never had that problem weird change power settings take it out of sleep