Grub doesn't show Cachyos as boot option

I just updated my system and now my boot loader doesn’t show Cachyos as an option, I can still boot into my windows drive though through grub. What do I do? I’m not sure if grub updated or not, there was like 200 packages that got updated. I booted into the Cachyos install from my USB, but not sure what to do next to resolve this. I can see my files from the live USB, so it’s not like it was corrupted. Any help would be great

I’m currently chrooted into my root partion, what should I do?

Try reinstalling the kernel, it should trigger hooks to make it appear in GRUB.

Sidenote, there are no options for CachyOS too when you go to advanced boot options? Or does that not exist at all?

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How do I reinstall the kernal? Could you point into the right direction for that, please.

There’s only the option to boot into BIOS and Windows, nothing else. However, Cachyos shows up in my bios boot order, but it does nothing when I select it. I don’t see any advanced options when booting into grub boot loader.

do I just run this?

pacman -S linux-cachyos

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omg I love you, this fixed it, thank you so much :slight_smile: