I am running VMware Workstation 17 on a Windows 11 PC.
When I tried to install Arch Linux, the setup-menu was busted so when I tried to choose the language e.g. it always selcted the languge below the cursor. So there seemed to be some problems with displaying what is actually there.
Then I tried Fedora. The live environment worked fine and installation was without issue. After the first start I took the updates and restartet the VM. It installed the updates, continued booting and then the screen went blank.
Now I tried Cachy and have the same issue. After the Grub menu sometimes there is the loading screen and then it goes dark. When I disable graphic acerleration, it boots without issue.
I had Cachy running sometime last year but with heavy sound stuttering which made it unuseful to me. The sound stuttering I have with all Arch based Distros.
I have a NVIDIA 2070 Supe graphics card and a Core i9.
It would be awesome, if someone could let me know 1st how I could get this running running with Graphics acceleration and 2nd fix with me sound issues in case they would accur as well.
I run Zorin, Ubuntu, KDE Neon, and POP OS VMs without any of these issues. So Debian works in terms of Graphic acceleration as well as sound.
Thank you very much in advance!
Update: looks like I resolved the sound issue by changing to Pulseaudio.
But the graphics acceleration issue is still there.
Hope someone could help me out. THX!