Looking for a GPU to pair well with the Intel I7 - 3770K. No gaming on this one, just hosting plex Currently has a GTX 560ti but I can’t get cachy to play nice so I’m thinking something from team red or team blue. How old can I go on the GPU and still get cachyos “supported” I’d like to make it period appropriate.
probably anything GCN based would work fine.
so that would be HD7000 series and above.
hd7000, rx200, 300, 400, 500, vega 56/64, radeon vii. These are all GCN based.
Then you move onto RDNA with RX5000, 6000, and current 7000 series.
personally for this I would just grab an RX480 or 580 off ebay. I am sure there are 4GB versions too which should be even cheaper and run a plex server just fine. While still being modern enough to be supported without too many issues if any at all.