Goverlay MangoHud / CPU Power usage display

Hello all.

Does anyone know how to show CPU Power with MangoHud?
I installed Zenpower3 driver and the ZenMonitor shows me Package Power.
This works so far. However MangoHud shows 0 Watt and CPU Temp also 0°C

I also blacklisted K10 sensor.
Does anyone know if this is possible with a Ryzen 7 7800X3D?

This has nothing to do with CachyOS itself. Just would like to know.


im not sure, but I think manghud tries to read from k10temp and has no readings from zenpower.
Maybe try to remove zenpower and check if it works then. k10 will give you enoug informations.

Zen4 doesnt need zenpower or equal.

Okay default with k10temp, mangohud never showed me the Package Power with parameter “MANGOHUD_CONFIG=“cpu_temp,cpu_power,gpu_temp,gpu_power” mangohud %command%”

Shows 0W

It seems like that “cpu_power” not work for me. Maybe my sensors are to new, who knows.

You need Zenergy to make mangohud show Zen 4 power consumption…

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It’s working now. Amazing!
Thank you mhm !!!

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Oh man… finally I can see this information on my Ryzen 5! Thanks also.