Funny Have you Ever?

Not really off-topic, as it’s related to the brand name, but thought it the most appropriate place for a funny topic.

Have you Ever? Typed “Cashy” instead of “Cachy”?
I reckon even the devs did it when they started.

Being new to it, I’ve so far done it multiple times, & chuckle every-time :grin:
Cashy is an Aussie slang term for doing a job for cash, off the books.

I could have setup a poll, but liking the post with a laughing emoji for Yes, Or Open_mouth for No, is easier.

Cheers! :beers:


Is “Cashy” used like “I have a cashy for ya” or “I have a cashy job for ya”?

That & more - Doing a Cashy. Got a Cashy. Did a Cashy. How about we do a Cashy for ya. Nothn wrong with a Cashy. Cashy is always good, Dodge the Tax man with a Cashy. And so on

@WestAus I hang around the Clear Linux forum, too!! :grin:

I don’t hang around there, just another distro I tried. Being Intel they likely focus attention on their cpu’s, thought it might be a good fit for an old lappy. But Cashy is working better on it, pros & cons with all OS.
One thread asking the same I have here, why make installing software so challenging for those that don’t have the time (etc) to learn code functions, when it doesn’t need to be.

Hi @WestAus ,

I can definitely relate to your thoughts on software installation challenges. I also have a ‘bare metal home lab’ setup with three NVMe drives running Windows 11, Cachy OS, and another Linux distro. In my experience, Windows was the easiest to install, followed by Ubuntu Studio. I found that installing macOS on Apple hardware was quite straightforward as well.

I understand that not everyone has the time or interest to delve into complex code functions just to get their system up and running. It’s interesting how some operating systems make the installation process user-friendly, while others seem to expect a steep learning curve. I agree that simplifying software installation would make technology more accessible to everyone, regardless of their coding background.

Thanks for sharing your experience; it’s always reassuring to know others feel the same way.

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