i noticed today there are some packages disappeared from the cachy repos
:: Synchronizing package databases...
cachyos-v4 142.2 KiB 715 KiB/s 00:00 [----------------] 100%
cachyos-core-v4 92.9 KiB 404 KiB/s 00:00 [----------------] 100%
cachyos-extra-v4 3.4 MiB 3.46 MiB/s 00:01 [----------------] 100%
core 116.1 KiB 618 KiB/s 00:00 [----------------] 100%
extra 7.5 MiB 3.64 MiB/s 00:02 [----------------] 100%
home_hawkeye1164... 16.6 KiB 36.3 KiB/s 00:00 [----------------] 100%
1 tom@cachyos ~ % sudo pacman -Ss wayfire
1 tom@cachyos ~ % sudo pacman -Ss wf-config
is the support are dropped, or what else?
January 16, 2025, 4:00pm
This is how cachyos installer has set up my cachyos repositories:
# cachyos repos
Include = /etc/pacman.d/cachyos-v4-mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/cachyos-v4-mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/cachyos-v4-mirrorlist
Include = /etc/pacman.d/cachyos-mirrorlist
The packages you mentioned are present in the last repo, which is not present in your repos sync log.
Maybe they are now not build for v4 for some reason (bug?).
January 16, 2025, 4:26pm
You are missing the cachyos
repository as pointed out by @cichy
It’s a package from the AUR, hence it only exists in the normal cachyos
ok, wayfire
and also cachy-browser
? i thought cachy-browser
was also in v3 and v4 repository?
January 16, 2025, 4:58pm
It is, is it not? I can see it in v3 repos on my side.
i could’t find cachy-browser
in v4
tom@cachyos ~ % pacman -Ss firefox | grep v4
cachyos-extra-v4/dump_syms 2.3.4-1.1
cachyos-extra-v4/firefox-developer-edition 135.0b5-1.1
cachyos-extra-v4/firefoxpwa 2.13.3-2.1
tom@cachyos ~ % pacman -Ss cachy-browser | grep v4
1 tom@cachyos ~ %
1 tom@cachyos ~ % pacman -Ss firefox | grep v4
cachyos-extra-v4/dump_syms 2.3.4-1.1
cachyos-extra-v4/firefox-developer-edition 135.0b5-1.1
cachyos-extra-v4/firefoxpwa 2.13.3-2.1
January 16, 2025, 5:45pm
Oops, we must have missed that. We will queue a build soon, thanks for reporting.
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We did not have cachy-browser for a while in the optimized repository, since it was crashing at the compilation, when PGO is used.
This has been now fixed at LLVM 19.
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