Firewalld - firewall-applet not visible -> missing packages python-pyqt5, python-pyqt6

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(Yes, I found the post about it

I’m currently doing a new installation of CachyOS (Plasma, KDE) (in Virtualbox) with the cachyos-kde-linux-240512.iso and I noticed that firewalld is no longer preinstalled (instead, ufw is).
By the way, it doesn’t work, if you deselect ufw in the installer, it will still be installed (the same applies to other things such as the cachyos-fish-config).

After I uninstalled ufw and reinstalled and started firewalld (sudo pacman -S firewalld sudo systemctl enable --now firewalld), I noticed that the firewall icon (correctly called firewall-applet) did not appear in the system tray, even though the firewall was active.

When I tried to start the firewall-applet via console, the following error messages appeared:

❯ firewall-applet
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/firewall-applet", line 11, in <module>
    from PyQt6 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
ImportError: cannot import name 'QtGui' from 'PyQt6' (unknown location)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/firewall-applet", line 15, in <module>
    from PyQt5 import QtGui, QtCore, QtWidgets
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5'

After some research, I found out, that you have to install python-pyqt5 and/or python-pyqt6 in order to the firewall applet is displayed.

If I now start the firewall applet via the console, a message still appears:

Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported

But the icon is visible in the control bar again as usual!

Together with the font rendering problem since Plasma 6, a lot of rework is now required to get a fully functional system after a new installation.

I had already pointed out the font rendering problem in one of my previous posts (which is lost because of the new forum), it is well described by someone in another forum:

In short: The font display in some programs (e.g. VLC, Audacious, Appimagelauncher, I think qbittorrent and I don’t remember any more) was not correct because a few packages were missing:


*Should only be necessary if you are working with the display manager Wayland.

Not to mention the hours of research I needed to find out what the problem was, especially with the font rendering problem.

Is it intentional or an oversight, that these packages are not included in the installation?

As always, translated with the help of an internet translator (so be lenient!)!

PS: I hope the live version (ISO image) stays with X11 as display manager, otherwise an installation in Virtualbox would no longer be possible at all!


We are using since the latest ISO not firewalld anymore. We have switched to ufw for the netinstall, since its for most easier to setup and to use.

Also KDE’s plasma-firewall support ufw, so its fine to switch.

By the way, it doesn’t work, if you deselect ufw in the installer, it will still be installed

We are not forcing ufw anywhere else to be installed. I try to reproduce. Maybe you missed to remove another depend, or plasma-firewall is pulling it in.

(the same applies to other things such as the cachyos-fish-config).

CachyOS Fish config is a hard depend, because we are putting as default shell fish in calamares. If this would be deselected, fish would not be installed. We could move it out from the pacstrap config, and put only fish in, so that our config will not be applied.

Currently our config applies a lot of environment flags, which is mandatory for the wayland usage.

After I uninstalled ufw and reinstalled and started firewalld (sudo pacman -S firewalld > sudo systemctl enable --now firewalld ), I noticed that the firewall icon (correctly called > firewall-applet) did not appear in the system tray, even though the firewall was active.

You need to aditonally install python-pyqt5 and python-capng

In short: The font display in some programs (e.g. VLC, Audacious, Appimagelauncher, I think qbittorrent and I don’t remember any more) was not correct because a few packages were missing:

This should be reported to archlinux if these are harddepends.

PS: I hope the live version (ISO image) stays with X11 as display manager, otherwise an installation in Virtualbox would no longer be possible at all!

We already pushed the ISO with wayland, but calamares has problems setting the live keyboard. Virtual Box properly supports wayland on the Live-ISO, we have tested this.

I would be very happy, if it meant that this fastfetch-greeting no longer filled up the console.

Because the solution offered here Fish Shell: Automatic Fastfetch Removal might be overwritten again during a system update and you have to repeat the process…

Yes, unfortunately. I am still using X11 and hope, that it will continue for a long time, as Wayland has too many errors for me, e.g. (everything under KDE Plasma):

  • Animated program icons dance around when starting a program (e.g. gnome-disk-utility) for a few seconds after the program has started - very irritating!
  • Energy settings: the screen switches off after 5 minutes when a video is running, but it should only do this when there is no activity, i.e. the running video is simply not recognized as activity. Sure, I could disable the screen timer completely, but that’s not the point.
  • Sooner or later the system crashes completely when you click on the OpenOffice icon, that is pinned to the controlpanel.
  • Window rules do not work as well (or sometimes not at all, depending on the program) as with X11.
  • Icons in the system section of the panel are sometimes not displayed, e.g. the Veracrypt icon.

On the other hand, I see no advantages for me at all with Wayland. It may be interesting for gamers or something. Apparently it is also more resource-efficient. I can’t really judge that, but I haven’t noticed X11 being a resource hog so far.
And the things mentioned above simply work under X11!

Yes, I had already found out about python-pyqt5 and installed it. And I think python-capng is automatically installed as a dependency with firewalld.

The question would be whether it couldn’t or should be pre-installed anyway (even though ufw is pre-installed now)?

Or let me put it another way: If I install firewalld on Manjaro, it works straight away, even with firewall-applet. I don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for why, what, how…

And the same applies to the problem “Plasma 6 - font issue in qt5 apps”:

Here How to set Qt5 font size - #5 by medin - Help - KDE Discuss, for example, it says that it is up to the distribution to provide the required packages

The KDE developer nicolasfeller says:

Plasma/Plasma 6.0 Release notes - KDE Community Wiki clearly states that a Qt5 build of plasma-integration is needed. If your distro does not provide that by default you need to get in contact with them

My distribution is CachyOS, so I thought I had to write this here. With Archlinux, they don’t even let me into the forum (because even before you open an account, you are clearly informed, that only “pure” Arch users who have set up their Arch themselves are welcome there)! :wink:

Ah, that’s good to know, because it looks like I’ll be sticking with VirtualBox for now, whether I like it or not. I tried Virt-Manager/Qemu/KVM the other day, but it wasn’t possible for the guest to connect to the Internet! I spent days working on it, the NAT adapter was also active and seemed to be working, but it just wouldn’t work… I eventually gave up in frustration!
But that’s too off-topic here.

I would be very happy, if it meant that this fastfetch-greeting no longer filled up the console.

The fish greeting can be now removed by the user manually, see:

Pacman does not write into your home, so its persistent

Wayland works for me really well for my usage, since Explicit Sync is also now available, I dont see too many drawbacks. Specially, X11 Security is something, which everyone should avoid.
Plasma 6.1 also provides massive improvements for the compositor, like Triple Buffering, Tearing and co.

The question would be whether it couldn’t or should be pre-installed anyway (even though ufw is pre-installed now)?

No, because firewalld is commonly used in server enviroments, and there you dont want to have a QT Package installed

Or let me put it another way: If I install firewalld on Manjaro, it works straight away, even with firewall-applet. I don’t have to spend a lot of time looking for why, what, how…

Manjaro uses the same dependecy chain as archlinux, since the packages are just snapshotted and copied.

Here How to set Qt5 font size - #5 by medin - Help - KDE Discuss, for example, it says that it is up to the distribution to provide the required packages

I talk in the team about this, thanks for noting.


Yes, I just took another look at Manjaro (manjaro-kde-24.0.1-240529-linux69.iso).

Python-pyqt5 is already present in the live version and also in a fresh installation. Although there is no firewall (neither firewalld nor ufw) pre-installed.

And something else I just noticed when installing in the virtual machine (VirtualBox): When you start it for the first time after installation, X11 is already selected (although Manjaro itself has now switched to Plasma 6 and, in connection with this, to Wayland). This is extremely helpful with VirtualBox, because otherwise, if you’re not careful, you’ll run into a black screen! Especially if you’ve already activated autologin without a password prompt during installation.

Sorry, we are not Manjaro and we also wont bloat the users installation with dependecies - which are might required.
As I said, do an issue at upstream archlinux, if you think this is an issue. In my eyes, this is not an issue and should be not handled like that.

And something else I just noticed when installing in the virtual machine (VirtualBox): When you start it for the first time after installation, X11 is already selected (although Manjaro itself has now switched to Plasma 6 and, in connection with this, to Wayland). This is extremely helpful with VirtualBox, because otherwise, if you’re not careful, you’ll run into a black screen! Especially if you’ve already activated autologin without a password prompt during installation.

Wayland works fine on Vbox. CachyOS properly configures the users installation, if a virtual VM is detected. This is handled via the hardware detection.

Okay, I’m just speaking from my experience. I have the cachyos-kde-linux-240512.iso here.
Booting the live system in VirtualBox works.
But if I then do a normal installation with KDE/Plasma (I don’t deselect anything in the installer, I leave everything as it is), Wayland is preselected the first time the system starts.
I can see this, if I uncheck the box for “Automatic login without password prompt” in the installer. Then CachyOS starts up to the login screen and there you can see at the bottom left that Wayland is already preselected.
If I overlook this and DO NOT change it and just enter my password, I get a black screen.
If I have already selected “Automatic login without password prompt” in the installer, I get a black screen the first time I start the new installation.
Mind you, I’m only talking about an installation in VirtualBox (where the problem with Wayland exists).
And as I said, I can only speak from my situation, on my system. I don’t know what’s going wrong.

Enabling Hardware Accelartion in Vbox should help there.

What exactly do you mean?

In the virtual machine settings?

I found it under System → Acceleration (on the far right).

For me it says:
Paravirtualization → Standard
Hardware virtualization: Enable nested paging (is checked)

Or do you mean under Display → 3D acceleration?
That is not activated for me.

This needs to be activated, if you want wayland supprt.

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Ah, okay, just tried it… yes, it works!
So you have to tick 3D acceleration, and then it doesn’t matter, if you have already activated automatic login without password prompt in the installation process.
It then boots (successfully!) in Wayland and you can still switch it to X11 from there.

It’s also good to know, that I can use Wayland in VirtualBox, because then I can check every now and then whether anything has been done about the problems mentioned above, for example.

I have marked one of your posts above as a solution (the lack of python-pyqt5 is not a bug). If a project developer says that, of course I have to accept it.