i have installed VS-Codium with MS-C++ tools, PlatformIO und Cody-AI addons.
For Cody-AI i need to logg in at my acc at sourcegraph, but the logg in dos not work at CachiOS.
Normaly it’s easy, at starting Cody the first time i can select a loog in via google , github or gitlab. I use github, getting forwarded to the github logg in, can hit the button to give access, a new tab opens at the browser, but nothing more happens.
If do the same at OpenSuse at this point (after opening the new tab) i get a message which i have to confirm, - i don’t get it at Cachy.
Browser Settings are exactly the same at both OSs.
Also i try’d different browsers at Cachy: Firefox, Cachy-Browser and Falkon. Firefox and Cachy-Browser showing nothing, Falkon brings a Message that something ( a long cryptc line of letters ) is not to read.
The Cody loggfile shows this error:
ty GraphQLTelemetryExporter Error exporting telemetry events:: Error: Variable "value" has invalid value null.
Expected type "JSONValue!", found null.
█ ChatController updateViewConfig:
█ ChatController updateViewConfig:
█ UpstreamHealth Ping took 251ms (Gateway: 613ms):
pe or paste code here
Dos one have an idea how to solve this ?
Thank you