Don't get access to VS-Codium plug in

i have installed VS-Codium with MS-C++ tools, PlatformIO und Cody-AI addons.
For Cody-AI i need to logg in at my acc at sourcegraph, but the logg in dos not work at CachiOS.
Normaly it’s easy, at starting Cody the first time i can select a loog in via google , github or gitlab. I use github, getting forwarded to the github logg in, can hit the button to give access, a new tab opens at the browser, but nothing more happens.
If do the same at OpenSuse at this point (after opening the new tab) i get a message which i have to confirm, - i don’t get it at Cachy.
Browser Settings are exactly the same at both OSs.

Also i try’d different browsers at Cachy: Firefox, Cachy-Browser and Falkon. Firefox and Cachy-Browser showing nothing, Falkon brings a Message that something ( a long cryptc line of letters ) is not to read.

The Cody loggfile shows this error:

ty GraphQLTelemetryExporter Error exporting telemetry events:: Error: Variable "value" has invalid value null.
Expected type "JSONValue!", found null.
█ ChatController updateViewConfig:
█ ChatController updateViewConfig:
█ UpstreamHealth Ping took 251ms (Gateway: 613ms):
pe or paste code here

Dos one have an idea how to solve this ?

Thank you

I made a new installation at OpenSuse, just to find out what i have to allow at the popup which i don’t get at CachyOS: It asks for allowing chat functions.
As long as i not geve a answer to this cody dos not complete it’s installation.

Question is now: Why don’t i get this Popup?

Some more observation:
The Popups i’m missing are not from browser, but from VS-Codium.
I installed the add on Codeium and i got the popups i’m missing if i try to get acces to cody.

But also at Codaium it don’t work as expected: The logg in token is not stored well and i have to make a manuell logg in, wich is to repeat each time i start VSCodium new.

It looks to me like VSCodium don’t get write acces to store the needed data…
Are i’m right with it?
If yes, how to solve? If no, any suggestions what can be the reason and how to solve?

That seams to be a general Arch problem:
I try’d to use Manjaro and Endavour, - both showing the same issue…

Too bad…