Consider add web browser to repo


will you consider add slimjet web browser to repo.

that’s the fastest browser i’ve used.

Looks like it’s chinese and closed source…

also fast

The SlimJet webpage gives me strong scam vibes.

The software itself lay dormant for over a decade and suddenly springs back to live? Another red flag for me.

Personally would stay far away. Also no need as all they say is being fast and blocking ads. Just about every browser can do that.

Being closed source makes it dead even before arrival.

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Yeah servo might be a good candidate for the cachy repos. It’s available in the AUR. I don’t know what’s the criteria for adding packages to the repo.

Servo is still far from being actually usable for most people. It should be available in AUR for those who want it, but I believe it’s not ready to be put in repo.