Changed GPU to Nvidia on a AMD installation, did pacman upgrade and lost display and tty

So it’s hyprland flavor installation on a seperate ssd, with AMD gpu, works really nice and I like it.

Changed to Nvidia GPU, then I did a pacman -Syu and rebooted, now it goes to complete blank and even all tty are not working anymore. Is that pacman upgrade I made breaks the display output ? I thought by default the system would have the nouveau driver for Nvidia and simply upgrade packages would not break the display till I messing around Nvidia’s own drivers?

Well as you see in the Hyprland wiki, the support for Nvidia gpu is pretty sparse and still “not supported officially”. Sure it works when setup has been done, but you might face issues.

TLDR: Nvidia can be tricky with hyprland but it should still work, needs just some setting up.