[Can't Update System] Error: Maximum file size exceeded

Greetings while running the usual pacman -Syyu I am getting the following errors while fetching the packages, Can someone let me know what am I doing wrong

Package (57)                               Old Version         New Version          Net Change  Download Size

cachyos/ananicy-cpp                        1.1.1-2             1.1.1-3               -0.13 MiB               
cachyos/cachyos-kernel-manager             1.10.0-2            1.10.1-1              -0.03 MiB               
extra/cifs-utils                           7.0-5.1             7.1-1                  0.03 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/eza                       0.20.1-1.1          0.20.2-1.1             0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/fastfetch                 2.26.1-2.1          2.27.1-1.1             0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/git                       2.46.2-1.1          2.47.0-1.1             0.19 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/gnome-bluetooth-3.0       47.0-2.1            47.1-1.1               0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/gperftools                2.15-1.1            2.16-1.2              -0.05 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/gtksourceview5            5.14.1-1.1          5.14.1-1.2            -0.14 MiB               
core/hwdata                                0.387-1             0.388-1                0.03 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/imagemagick                0.42 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/intel-compute-runtime     24.35.30872.22-1.1  24.35.30872.22-2.1    -0.25 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/js128                     128.2.0-1.1         128.3.1-1.1           -0.86 MiB               
multilib/lib32-libnghttp3                  1.5.0-1             1.6.0-1                0.00 MiB               
cachyos-v4/lib32-mesa                      1:24.2.4-2          1:24.2.4-3             0.00 MiB      25.75 MiB
cachyos-v4/lib32-mesa-vdpau                1:24.2.4-2          1:24.2.4-3             0.00 MiB               
cachyos-v4/lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa       1:24.2.4-2          1:24.2.4-3             0.00 MiB       9.23 MiB
multilib/lib32-systemd                     256.6-1             256.7-1                0.00 MiB               
cachyos-v4/lib32-vulkan-intel              1:24.2.4-2          1:24.2.4-3             0.00 MiB       4.75 MiB
cachyos-extra-v4/libblockdev               3.1.1-2.1           3.2.0-1.1              0.26 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libblockdev-crypto        3.1.1-2.1           3.2.0-1.1              0.01 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libblockdev-fs            3.1.1-2.1           3.2.0-1.1              0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libblockdev-loop          3.1.1-2.1           3.2.0-1.1              0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libblockdev-mdraid        3.1.1-2.1           3.2.0-1.1              0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libblockdev-nvme          3.1.1-2.1           3.2.0-1.1              0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libblockdev-part          3.1.1-2.1           3.2.0-1.1              0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libblockdev-swap          3.1.1-2.1           3.2.0-1.1              0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libimobiledevice-glue     1.3.0-1.1           1.3.1-1.1              0.01 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libmanette                0.2.9-1.1           0.2.9-2.1              0.00 MiB               
cachyos-core-v4/libnghttp3                 1.5.0-1.1           1.6.0-1.1              0.00 MiB               
extra/libnm                                1.48.10-1           1.50.0-1               0.01 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libupnp                   1.14.19-3.1         1.14.20-1.1            0.01 MiB               
extra/libuv                                1.49.0-1            1.49.1-1               0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/libyuv                    r2426+464c51a0-1.1  r2426+464c51a03-1.1    0.12 MiB               
cachyos-v4/linux-cachyos-bore-lto          6.11.2-1            6.11.3-1              -0.04 MiB               
cachyos-v4/linux-cachyos-bore-lto-headers  6.11.2-1            6.11.3-1               0.01 MiB               
cachyos-v4/mesa                            1:24.2.4-2          1:24.2.4-3             0.00 MiB               
cachyos-v4/mesa-vdpau                      1:24.2.4-2          1:24.2.4-3             0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/mutter                    47.0-3.1            47.0-4.1              -0.02 MiB               
extra/networkmanager                       1.48.10-1           1.50.0-1              -0.04 MiB               
extra/npm                                  10.8.3-1            10.9.0-1               1.24 MiB               
cachyos-v4/opencl-rusticl-mesa             1:24.2.4-2          1:24.2.4-3             0.00 MiB               
cachyos-core-v4/ppp                        2.5.0-3.1           2.5.1-1.1             -0.04 MiB               
extra/python-charset-normalizer            3.3.2-2             3.4.0-1                0.01 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/qt6-declarative           6.7.3-2.1           6.7.3-3.1              0.00 MiB               
extra/rebuild-detector                     4.4.3-3             4.4.4-1                0.00 MiB               
core/systemd                               256.6-1             256.7-1                0.01 MiB               
core/systemd-libs                          256.6-1             256.7-1                0.00 MiB               
core/systemd-resolvconf                    256.6-1             256.7-1                0.00 MiB               
core/systemd-sysvcompat                    256.6-1             256.7-1                0.00 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/vim                       9.1.0740-1          9.1.0764-1.1           1.04 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/vim-runtime               9.1.0740-1          9.1.0764-1.1           0.03 MiB               
cachyos-v4/vulkan-intel                    1:24.2.4-2          1:24.2.4-3             0.00 MiB               
extra/webkit2gtk-4.1                       2.46.1-3            2.46.1-4               9.83 MiB               
cachyos-extra-v4/webkitgtk-6.0             2.46.1-3.1          2.46.1-4.1            11.33 MiB               
cachyos-v4/zlib-ng                         2.2.2-5             2.2.2-6                0.00 MiB               
cachyos-v4/zlib-ng-compat                  2.2.2-5             2.2.2-6                0.00 MiB               

Total Download Size:     39.73 MiB
Total Installed Size:  1355.80 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:        23.01 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
:: Retrieving packages...
 lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst failed to download
 lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst failed to download
 lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst failed to download
 Total (3/3)                                                        39.7 MiB  4.94 MiB/s 00:08 [--------------------------------------------------------] 100%
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from at.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from at.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from at.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from at.cachyos.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn77.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn77.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn77.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from cdn77.cachyos.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn-1.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn-1.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn-1.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from cdn-1.cachyos.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from cdn.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from cdn.cachyos.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from us.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from us.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from us.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from us.cachyos.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.fast0ne.com : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.fast0ne.com : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.fast0ne.com : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from mirror.fast0ne.com, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mir.cachyos.fr : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mir.cachyos.fr : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mir.cachyos.fr : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from mir.cachyos.fr, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from aur.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from aur.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from aur.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from aur.cachyos.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from nl-ams.soulharsh007.dev : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from nl-ams.soulharsh007.dev : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from nl-ams.soulharsh007.dev : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from nl-ams.soulharsh007.dev, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.cachyos.org : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from mirror.cachyos.org, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.lesviallon.fr : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-vulkan-intel-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.lesviallon.fr : Maximum file size exceeded
error: failed retrieving file 'lib32-mesa-1:24.2.4-3-x86_64_v4.pkg.tar.zst' from mirror.lesviallon.fr : Maximum file size exceeded
warning: too many errors from mirror.lesviallon.fr, skipping for the remainder of this transaction
warning: failed to retrieve some files
error: failed to commit transaction (download library error)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
 -> error installing repo packages

Unfortunately I don’t have much to offer in the way of fixes - just wanted to add that I’m experiencing the same issue. I’m using the cachyos-v4 repo as well, and the issue seems to be limited to 4 packages: lib32-mesa, lib32-opencl-rusticl-mesa, lib32-mesa-vdpau, and lib32-vulkan-intel.

I ended up downloading the packages from cdn.cachyos.org and install them by sudo pacman -U.

Will look into, apologies and thanks for the report.

This should be fixed now. Please run sudo pacman -Syu to verify.


Is working now

Thanks a ton! for fixing this :), Really appreciate the help, have a wonderful day


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