My computer was idle while I was just sat here watching something on my TV. Screens went totally blank. Can’t bring up a terminal or SSH in.
Exact same issue I was having on Gnome is also happening on KDE. Wtf is wrong with my system
Had to hard reboot by pressing and holding the power button.
I’m losing my mind trying to figure this out
I did a journalctl and narrowed down the time frame to around when the crash happened. Here’s a pastebin of it
Ryzen 9 5900X
RTX 4070 Ti
32GB of RAM
Triple monitor setup + a TV connected
Could be power management issues.
Try a session turning off all screen blanking and power management settings like sleep in KDE Settings then go for another video binge. Then let the system idle like go to bed and wake up looking to see if your system is still running. If after all the aforementioned your OS and Desktop are still operating appropriately is most definitely power settings; from this point trouble shooting your hardware and desktop configuration should be exponentially easier.
I’ve had similar issues in the past and the above steps are how I narrowed down the problem. Not saying this is the issue, but it could be. Process of elimination!
Hope you get it worked out. Make sure you try the steps mentioned and report back as to whether they actually worked or not. Good luck.
I already have all sleep settings and screen turning off settings disabled I believe. So I don’t think that’s the issue. Though I am new to Linux so it’s possible there is a setting I’ve missed somewhere.
Only other thing to note is that my CachyOS install is currently running off an external nvme in a ugreen enclosure. But I do have a PCIe nvme adapter coming in the mail today to see if it makes a difference. Unfortunately my motherboard only has 2 nvme slots and both are already populated.
Is your graphics discrete or integrated or hybrid (using both integrated and discrete)?
Is the screen blanking issue only occurring when watching your vids? If so, what media app or service are you using when this issue occurs?
I have a discrete card only. RTX 4070 Ti. My CPU doesn’t have intergrated graphics.
I wasn’t doing anything on my computer when the last crash/screen blanking occurred. I was just watching YouTube through my TV (not via the computer) when it happened. I just happened to be sat near enough to the computer to see it happen. Only things that were open are Firefox, Discord, Telegram and a document in LibreOffice Writer. But I wasn’t actively using the computer as I said
I do not think it is graphics drivers crashing.
Based on what you’ve stated and the resulting black screen in two different desktop environments: this issue only occurs when using CachyOS and no other distro or operating system like Windows?
I haven’t tried any other distros. But I can say it didn’t happen at all in Windows 11
Having the OS on an external drive might be an issue. Is it USB powered?
It is USB powered. I have a PCIe nvme adapter coming today though which I’m going to use to install it internally. So I’m desperately hoping that solves the issue
I think Cachy needs to update the Nvidia drivers to like 572.5 or whatever for the bandaid patches. I get black screens on both Cachy and nobara. Some mild visual bugs and bad hibernate on windows… But I never got the drivers installed right. On nobara, you have to manually update the drivers for Nvidia SEPARATE from everything else. That was what broke nobara for me. So. I think it’s the new drivers, and the BLACK SCREEN CRASH FIX put out 5 days ago by Nvidia needs to be incorporated into Cachy, or something.
I seem to have gotten free performance on windows from the new Nvidia drivers, btw
It may still be early-ish days. But so far since moving my nvme from the external enclosure to the pcie nvme adapter I haven’t had the issue happen. So hopefully that fixed it
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Glad to hear you worked through the issue.