Bluetooth Audio Clipping

Hi All.

I’ve switched over to CachyOS this morning so this is a fresh install.

I connected my JBL 5 via Bluetooth but notices significant audio clipping when watching youtube videos

Tried the CachyOS and Chromuim browser but same result.

I’m a noob when it comes to linux, i’ve been digging through forums but havent found a specific fix for this.

Bluetooth is coming directly from my MSI B650 motherboard

Any advice on what to try?

Hi there, may I ask if you are using pipewire or just pulse?

I haven’t tried any bluetooth audio things yet, I don’t use pulse straight however. I let pipewire and wireplumber do things, which has been mostly pretty good.

Which kernel did you install? I guess it’ 6.13, right? I have the same problem, with my bluetooth headphones when I’m using wifi. (It works for ethernet.)

You could test linux-cachyos-lts instead (which is currently at 6.12).


I have a Sony WH1000XM3 connected via bluetooth to a Fiio dac.
I use pipewire.

After the update to kernel 6.13 I had sound hickups in youtube and while gaming terrible distorted sound in cyberpunk. Especially with lots of noise going on e.g. during gunfights etc.

I solved my issues with this post: