A HUGE thanks to the CachyOS team

I don’t know what you did in that last update…. But my 3090 ti is outperforming windows now! I got about a 10-20% gain depending on the game. It may have been that something was misconfigured on my end, or the fact that I made the switch to closed driver… either way - well done to this team and community. After 20 years of saying “i wish i had some other choice besides Windows” I have not just 1 but many choices. Many distros have leveraged your kernel and/or followed your lead there are now several well performing, stable Linux flavors that make gaming a breeze. With a windows instal I’ll be rebooting, downloading drivers and rebooting, installing apps and rebooting, updating OS and rebooting disabling spyware and rebooting for 2 hours or more… did I mention the endless reboots? I can be playing a game in less than an hour on a fresh Cachy install. Marvelous work everyone!


You make a good point, I’d forgotten how long it takes to bring a Windows install into actual use.