Weird Octiopi Behaviour

Aloha, i noticed some weird behaviour in Octopi when i want to deinstall certain apps - like for instance 7zip.

Octopi wants then to remove a lot of other stuff like bottles etc.
When i unselect these other apps, i can’t uninstall the app i wanted to uninstall. Hope my words make sense …

Maight this be related to Cachy somehow and not so much a bug in Octopi?

7zip is a dependency if lutris and probably all of those other packages. Why do you want to remove it?

First of all, It’s a habit of mine to remove apps i tested and don’t want to keep.

Second, why would all this packages rely explicitly on 7zip and don’t use arc (or peazip which i have installed)?

3rd, this imho “weird” octopi behaviour comes up with other apps too - unfortunately i can’t recall right now which ones. It mostly looks like octopi wants to de-install half of my cachyOS, instead just the one app i want to get rid of.

4zth, If such app is so important for multiple other apps, shouldn’t there be a message ort alert that states just that this app is needed for apps x,y,z etc?