System and systemd-boot problem!(?)

I don’t recall flatpaks being that out of date though. They are usually more up to date then the majority of lts packages. As for security, I would suggest that Cachy Team adds flatseal to the repositories, since that application allows you to modify flat pak permissions and enable hardware acceleration on a per app basis.

The last updates brought unpleasant surprises to the point that I had to reinstall cachyOS. This latest version is very bad. It brought problems that I didn’t have before in terms of audio routing. What was simple is now impossible.
I would like to make a suggestion: place timeshift snaps at the initialization of boot managers in order to keep the system reliable.
In addition to the audio routing being affected, the Qt6 update bugged some system settings and the configure audio device.

The KDE System Settings issue needs to be reported to QT/KDE. CachyOS does not modify them.

I would like to make a suggestion: place timeshift snaps at the initialization of boot managers in order to keep the system reliable.

There is “cachyos-snapper-support” in case of you are using grub, you can also install the grub-btrfs-support package, for bootable snapshots.