First of all I want to thank all the maintaners of this awesome project. I’ve been using this distro for months and it’s been flawless. I’m thankful for all the work you’ve done.
Yesterday I ran the usual command of sync and update of pacman and the rocm-llvm
dependency showed for the first time. I’ve never installed ROCm nor I have a compatible GPU (I’m using a 6700XT which is not listed as compatible with ROCm in the AMD website).
After digging up a little bit I found that it was actually a dependency for the package comgr
which I did have installed. comgr points to an invalid link in the AUR upstream URL at the time of writing.
I’m not sure to update my system since I do not want to install ROCm because it’s 4.4GB and it is not officially supported for my GPU . I also don’t want to risk having issues with dependencies if I just proceed to ignore the package in pacman.conf.
Is this expected behaviour for the new version of comgr? Is it safe to circumvent and ignore rocm-llvm?
Thank you all in advance.