Problems adding user to group

First of all hello and a good new year to all!

I’m installed CachyOS with the lastest ISO and installed Virtualbox. So i want to add the user to the vboxusers group but i get following error.

sudo gpasswd -a user vboxusers
Adding user user to group vboxusers
[sss_cache] [sss_tool_confdb_init] (0x0010): Can't access '/var/lib/sss/db/config.ldb', probably SSSD isn't configured
Can't find configuration db, was SSSD configured and run?
[sss_cache] [sss_tool_confdb_init] (0x0010): Can't access '/var/lib/sss/db/config.ldb', probably SSSD isn't configured
Can't find configuration db, was SSSD configured and run?

I checked the /var/lib/sss/db/config.ldb file, but this file doesn’t exists. Also if i want to start the service i get follwoing “error”.

[root@computer user]# sudo systemctl start sssd
[root@computer user]# sudo systemctl status sssd
○ sssd.service - System Security Services Daemon
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sssd.service; disabled; preset: disabled)
    Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/sssd.service.d
     Active: inactive (dead)

Jän 02 10:09:51 computer systemd[1]: System Security Services Daemon was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met.
Jän 02 10:10:06 computer systemd[1]: System Security Services Daemon was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met.
Jän 02 10:16:31 computer systemd[1]: System Security Services Daemon was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met.
Jän 02 10:27:10 computer systemd[1]: System Security Services Daemon was skipped because no trigger condition checks were met.

I’ve search google but can’t find some useful info. Maybe someone has an an idea?

Thank you very much! Best regards!

Virtualbox is good but virt-manager is little better for you system i need not sssd
after you install virt-manager you need to use sudo gpasswd -a yournick libvir-qemu kvm kmem and you are ready for play with your vms

with sudo virsh net-start default you start the nat network br0 for the vm with sudo virsh net-destroy default you kill the br0 interface

is the group vboxusers existing?

Thanks for the answears.

Yes the group exists.

another cmd: usermod -aG vboxusers username

Or yet another, vi /etc/group.

just installed vbox as a trial - no probs with useradd

Thanks for the comments. I always get the same error, but it looks as the user will be added despite it. So it works for now. Thanks a lot for the answears.

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